jeffbarcode , a man tries to assault barcode at the pub

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The kinnporsche cast had a week off of filming. Barcode was so happy to have some free time. Tonight Jeff , barcode , Mile and apo , build , and Bible are going to the pub. ( I think it's a club lol I'm not sure I've never been to one before ). Barcode is exited to go to the pub with the others. He's never been to one before. Barcode is already ready , he's wearing black ripped jeans and a white t-shirts. He's playing on his phone waiting for Jeff , mile and apo to pick him up. He was playing brawl stars when he got a text massage.

Jeff: I'm outside.

Barcode: kk , I'm coming.🐻

Barcode puts on the necklace that Jeff gave him. He then walks outside and gets until the car. Jeff is driving , mile and apo are in the back and barcode is up front. Jeff then pulls out and starts driving. They are going to meet Bible and build there. Barcode turns the radio up. His favorite song is on. They all jam to the song. They pull into the pub , Bible and build pull in at the same time. They all get out of the car and walk up to each other. They walk into the pub. There's music playing , with different color lights going around the room.

Build: let's go find a table. They all nod and go to find a table. They sit down at a table in the back. No one's really sitting in the back. They all sit down.

Jeff: barcode , what do you want to drink?

Barcode: a water.

Jeff nods and goes with Bible to get everyone drinks. About 10 minutes later they come back with drinks for everyone. Barcode takes a few drinks of his water. The others all have wine or beer. A good song comes on and they all get up to dance.

Mile: barcode , do you know this song?

Barcode: no , what is it?

Mile: I always used to listen to it when I was your age , it's the best song.

They all go on the dance floor and start dancing. A guy comes up to them and starts dancing around barcode

Guy: what's your name?

Barcode: um barcode.

Guy: your a pretty little thing.

Barcode: um thanks. Barcode gets a little closer to Jeff. Jeff puts his arm around barcodes shoulder. they all dance for a little while. Barcode is tired from dancing , he tells the others he's going to sit down for a bit. They nod and barcode goes and lays down at their table. ( It's like a big couch sorta ). barcode falls asleep. Jeff is keeping an eye on barcode. Jeff gets distracted by mile and apo. They are dancing together. The guy gets closer to barcode. He sees barcode sleeping and takes his chance. He picks him up bridle style and starts walking towards the exit.

Jeff notices barcode gone. He then sees the guy carrying barcode out. The others see this to and they rush toward them. Jeff turns the guy around.

Jeff: put him down you asshole!

The guy hesitates but Jeff gets closer and forces barcode out of his arms.

Mile , apo , build , and Bible beat the sh*t out of him. Jeff carries barcode back to the couch. He lays his head in his lap and let's him sleep.  The others come back in and sit down.

Jeff: where's that guy at?

Mile: trust me , he won't be bothering any Body else.

Apo: we should go , barcode is tired.

Bible: see you guys tomorrow.

Build: bye guys.

Jeff puts barcode in the front seat and ribe away. He drops apo and mile off first. He then arrives at barcode house. He gently taps barcode.

Jeff: barcode we're here.

Barcode wakes up and sees where they are. He unbuckles.

Jeff: are you parents time?

Barcode: no.

Jeff: are you going to be ok alone?

Barcode: mhm. Barcode says half asleep.

Jeff: you want me to stay with you tonight?

Barcode: it's ok p'jeff , I don't want to cause you any trouble.

Jeff: don't worry , you won't be causing be any trouble at all.

Barcode nods and they both get out of the car and walk inside. Barcode almost trips but Jeff catches him.

Jeff: you ok?

Barcode nods his head. Jeff walks upstairs with him and into the bedroom. Barcode hands Jeff a pair of spare clothes to wear. They both change. Barcode gets on his side of the bed and falls asleep. Jeff gets on the other side and lays down. Barcode turns in his sleep making his head go on Jeff's chest. Jeff smiles and strokes his hair. He wraps his arms around barcode and falls asleep.

 He wraps his arms around barcode and falls asleep

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