Jeffbarcode , Jeff almost gets hurt on stage , barcode moves jeff and gets hurt

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊
The kinnporsche cast have their concert tomorrow. Barcide is really exited about it. He can't wait to sing in stage and interact with fans. He's also very exited to sing with Jeff. Their sharing a hotel room. Their in the Philippines for world tour so their staying in a hotel. Jeff is showeing right now while barcode is playing Roblox with apo. Apo is sharing a room with mile. Tong is also playing Roblox with them. Their playing the mimic.

Barcode: p'tong!! It's behind you run!!!

Tong: ahh omg!!!! I'm gonna die!!! Don't leave me apo!!!

Apo: barcode where are you , we can't find you!!

Barcode: I'm in the room with the code on the wall.

Apo: tong!!

Barcode: what happened?!

Apo: he's dead!

Tong: now I'm back at the stupid entrance!

Apo: hold on , I'm coming back for you!

Barcode: I see it! It just past the room I'm in! I'm hiding m!

Apo: barcode get out of there now!

Barcode: I'm gonna make a run for it , I'll meet you guys!

Jeff: barcode.

Barcode gets killed by the thing.

Barcode: dang it!

Jeff: barcode?

Barcode: oh yes phi Jeff?

Jeff: go get a shower and then head to bed.

Barcode: but phi-he gets cut off.

Jeff: no arguing , go.

Barcode: I have to go guys.

Tong: what why?

Apo: why?.

Barcode: " dad" Jeff is making me go get a shower and then go to bed.

Apo: aww , alright by then.

Tong: oiii he's such a fun downer. I'm gonna tell him a thing to two tomorrow. Bye barcode.

Barcode: bye guys.

Barcode shuts his phone off and goes in to get a shower. After barcode is done showering he comes out and lays on the bed next to Jeff.

Jeff: goodnight.

Barcode: goodnight. Barcode says in a pouty tone.

Jeff falls asleep and Barcode pretends to fall asleep. When he sees Jeff sleeping he sneaks onto his phone and gets in Roblox. Jeff opens one eye and shakes his head while laughing.

Jeff: barcode.

Barcode puts the phone back down and lays down.

Jeff: go to bed.

Barcode: fine. Barcode says pouty.

Barcode falls asleep and then Jeff falls asleep

The next day...

Everyone's at the concert place. Their all practicing for tonight. Jeff and barcode are practicing their song. Jeff can't help but smile when he hears barcodes angelic voice singing.  The fans start to show up. Security is outside and I side directing the fans which way to go and stuff like that. Bible and build are performing first , they are getting ready. They then walk on to the stage and fans start screaming and holding signs up and yelling Biblebuild. Jeff and barcode are you next. Their practicing their song while Bible and build performs. Soon Bible and build come backstage after performing. Jeff and barcode get ready to go on stage. Jeff is holding the guitar in his hand. They then walk on to the stage. They wave and smile to the fans. Jeff starts playing the guitar and they both start singing. In the middle of the song , barcode notices a light getting ready to fall on Jeff. It snaps and fall , barcode quickly pushes Jeff out of the way and the light fall on him. Everyone starts freaking out and screaming. Jeff ans a few staff lift the light off of barcode. Barcode has went unconscious.

Jeff: barcode! Barcode! Someone call an ambulance!

Jeff: please be ok , barcode please. Jeff says crying over barcodes body.

At the hospital...

They rush barcode back into doors. Jeff goes as far he can , they stop him at the doors and tell him to wait in the waiting room. Mile walks to Jeff.

Mile: just come into the waiting room. he's gonna be ok , he's a tough kid.

Jeff burst out into tears and mile pulls him into a hug.

Mile: it's ok.

Mile brought Jeff back into the waiting room and set down with everyone else. Everyone was really worried about barcode. Jeff kept pacing back and forth. He couldn't stay still , he was too worried to just sit down. The other tried calming him down but it wasn't working. They wait for at least an hour. The doctors finally come into the waiting room. Jeff quickly walks over to her , and the others.

Jeff: is barcode ok?

Doctor: he's unconscious right now , he's got a concussion and a broken arm. We gave him some medicine for his arm. He'll most likely have a headache when he wakes up. He might need to stay a few more night. He's in room 12 if you would like to see him.

Jeff and the other quickly rush back into barcodes room. Barcode has a cast on his arm and has a white bandage wrapped around his head. Jeff walks beside him and holds his hand while tears stream down his face. He feels so guilty that this happened to barcode. If he wouldn't have shoved him out of the way , he wouldn't be in this condition m Jeff cries harder. He falls on his knees while sobbing. Mile comes over and helps Jeff up. Jeff sits in a chair beside barcode. The others sit down in the room somewhere and just wait for barcode to wake up. Build even cries a little bit. Bible hugs him and tells him everything going to be ok.

1 day later...

1:30 pm...

Everyone is asleep. Jeff is wide awake , he's sitting beside barcode holding his hand. He hasn't slept at all. He's too worried about barcode. He's stroking barcodes hair when barcode starts to wake up. Jeff slowly helps him sit up. He's so happy barcode finally woke up.barcode looked around and noticed the cast on his arm.

Jeff: are you ok? Do you need water or anything?

Barcode: no , just a headache and my arm kinda hurts.

Jeff hugs him and cries into his arms. Barcode hugs him back.

Barcode: phi Jeff what's wrong?

Jeff: barcode I'm so sorry , this never would have happened if you wouldn't have pushed me out of the way. I'm so sorry.

Barcode: phi Jeff , it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself , I would rather it be me then you.

Barcode pulls away from the hug and wipes Jeff's tears away. He smiles at Jeff.

Barcode: phi Jeff , I'm ok see. It wasn't your fault.

Jeff: barcode , you shouldn't have pushed me out of the way.

Barcode: I'm glad I did , or this would have been you or it could have been worser.

Jeff: thank you for saving me , but never do it again , I was so worried. You slept for a whole day.

Barcode: really?

Jeff: yes.

Barcode: no wonder why my mouth is so dry.

Jeff: do you want some water?

Barcode: yeah.

Jeff goes and gets him some water and brings it back to him. Barcode gulps a few sips and then sits it down.

Barcode: thanks phi Jeff.

Jeff: your welcome.

Barcode: do you wanna play some Roblox?

Jeff: I can't believe all you can think about it Roblox. Jeff says laughing. Barcode also laughs.

Jeff: sure let's play. Barcode smiles and they pull their phone out and start playing.

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