maxnat , Nat faints and falls down the stairs

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FemaleBadass234 I hope you like it 😊

Max and Nat had a busy schedule all week

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Max and Nat had a busy schedule all week. Nat had university too , so he had to study at night. Today him and max have a free day so there gonna hang out and Nat is staying over at Max's house. Nat has a white t-shirt on and blue overalls. Max is down stairs in the kitchen waiting. Nat walks down stairs and walks up to max.

Max: ready?

Nat: yep , let's go.

They walk outside and get into the car. Max starts the car and pulls out. They are going to get ice cream. Max loved getting ice cream with Nat when they get days off. Nat lays his head back on the seat and ends up falling asleep. Max can't help but smile at Nat. He looks so adorable. They soon arrive at the ice cream place. Max gently taps Nat  , Nat wakes up and stretches.

Max: tired?

Nat: a little.

Max and Nat get out of the car and walk inside. Nat orders strawberry and vanilla with rainbow sprinkles on top and chocolate syrup on top. Max orders half vanilla half chocolate , with a brownie and chocolate syrup on top. they started eating their desserts and talking.

Max: where should we go after his?

Nat: hmm , we could go shopping.

Max: alright , there's a store right next door so we can just go there.

Nat: ok. Nat says smiling.

After they finish eating their ice cream 🍨 they pay and walk out and go next door. The store has a lot of things in it.

Nat: woah , this place has everything.

Max: it's huge. ha look at this , it's your size. Max says showing Nat a shirt that says I'm short but I'm smart.

Nat: haha max , I'm not that short.

Max laughs along with Nat and they continue looking around. They've been shopping for about 15 minutes. They are looking at Halloween Things. Nat gets a little light headed. He holds his head.

Max: Nat what's wrong? Max says sounding worried and touching nats shoulder.

Nat: n-nothing , I'm fine.

Max: are you sure? Hold on I'll get you some water.

Max quickly goes up to the cashier and buys a water. He runs back to Nat and hands him it. Nat takes it and takes a few drinks.

Max: are you ok?

Nat: y-yea.

Max: I think we should go now.

Nat nods and max grabs a hold of his arm just in case. He opens the car door for nat and Nat gets in. Max gets in the driver seat and drives away.

Max: rest your head back on the seat untill we get back to my house.

Nat nods and lays his head back on the seat and closes his eyes. Max keeps looking over making sure he's ok. Nat isn't really dizzy any more just Tired. They soon arrive at Max's house. They walk into the house and take their shoes off.

Max: you want anything to eat or drink?

Nat: I'm ok p'max , I'm just gonna head to bed now.

Max: alright , I'll be up in a minute.

Nat nods and walks up the stairs into the bedroom. He changes into pajamas and lays down in the bed. He closes his eyes and falls asleep. A little bit later max walks up. He quietly closes the door trying not to wake Nat up. He gets changed and lays down in bed.

1:15 am..

Nat wakes up and has to pee. When he gets up max asking wakes up.

Max: where you going?

Nat: I have to use the bathroom real quick.

Max: alright.

Nat leaves the bedroom. He's getting ready to walk down the stairs when he gets dizzy. Everything starts going black. He passes out and falls down the stairs.

Max Hears a thump down stairs and rushes out of the bedroom. He sees Nat at the bottom of the stairs unconscious. He quickly runs down stairs to Nat.

Max: Nat! Nat! Max tries shaking Nat awake. He quickly picks him up bridle style and carries him to the car. He puts him in the front seat and quickly drives away. When they arrive at the hospital max carries Nat in bridle  style. A nurse comes up to him.

Max: please help him , h-hi fell down the stairs.

The doctor takes them back into a room. Max lays Nat in the bed. The doctor sees nats arm swelling up.

Doctor: he must have hurt his arm when he falls down the stairs. It's broken , a bone is sticking out.

Max: is he going to be ok?

Doctor: other than a broken arm , he should be fine.

Max sits in a chair beside max and holds his hand.

1:50 am......

Nat starts waking up. He opens his eyes and sees max sitting beside him holding his hand. Max helps Nat sit up. Nat notices the cast on his arm.

Max: are you ok? How are you feeling?

Nat: I'm ok , my arm hurts and head but other than that I'm fine.

Max: how did you fall down the stairs?

Nat: I got dizzy and well that's the last thing I remember.

Max: you need rest , that's probably why you got dizzy.

Nat: I know , but I'm fine now.

Max: your resting all day tomorrow.

Nat: bu-nat gets cut off.

Max: no buts , tomorrow is a resting day.

Nat: alright.

Max: for now get some rest.

Nat nods and lays down.

Nat: will you lay with me?

Max smiles and nods. He gets under the covers with Nat and keys down. Nat lays his head in max's chest and max wraps his arms around Nat. They both fall asleep.

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