jeffbarcode , the others prank barcode and he has a panic attack and faints

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊
Halloween is tonight , the kinnporsche cast are going to all hang out together at tongs house tonight since it's Halloween.

Barcode never really liked Halloween because he doesn't like clowns , he never did like them ever since he was a kid. He was exited to hang out with everyone though because they was going to watch scary movies and stay up all night. Barcode isn't that afraid of scary movies because their not real so he's ok with watching them. Except clown movies , he just don't like movies with clowns in them.

He's going to take a cab to tongs house since his parents are at a Halloween party tonight and his sister is hanging out with some friends. Barcode gets a text message from the group chat.

Group chat.

Jeff: hey barcode , how are you getting to tongs house?

Barcode: I'm going to take a cab.

Apo: on Halloween night?

Barcode: yes why?

Tong: never ever trust a cab driver in Halloween.

Barcode: why?

Tong: because , there weirdos in Halloween night.

Barcode: but I don't have any other way to get there.

Jeff: I'll come pick you up.

Barcode: ok , thanks p'jeff 😀.

Mile: what is everyone taking about?

Apo: barcode taking a cab.

Mile: ooo never trust a cab on Halloween night.

Barcode closes the group chat and puts his shoes on. He then grabs his phone and waits outside for Jeff to come. About 15 minutes later he pulled up and barcids fit into the car

Barcode: hi p'jeff , thanks for picking me up.

Jeff: no problem , I'd rather you other with me other than a cab. Jeff says drive away.

Barcode: so what scary movie are we watching first?

Jeff: I'm not sure what movie they picked out yet. Knowing tong , it'll be a horrifying one. Barcode laughs and Jeff laughs along with him.

They get to tong's house , he kinda of Halloween decorations out.

Barcode: ooo he even has a huge spider. Barcode says touching the fake spider.

The door then flying opens. Tong comes out with a Halloween shirt on.

Tong: well it's about time , I thought you guys would never come.

Jeff: well we're here now.

Tong , Jeff and barcode walks into the house. The other are already there sitting on the couch and getting snacks. Barcode sits on the couch beside apo and mile. Everyone else sits down and passes snacks around. Tong pressed play in the move. Their watching the conjuring.

Time skip......

The movie about 45 minutes in. The others plan on pranking barcode , since it's their first Halloween together. Barcode never told them that he's scared of clowns so they have no idea.

Jeff: I'm going to the bathroom real quick. Jeff gets up and leaves the room. Jeff has been gone for about 5 minutes now. Barcode wonders if something is wrong because he hasn't come back yet.

Barcode: Jeff hasn't come yet , do you think he's ok?

Tong: I'm sure he's fine.

Barcode: I'm just gonna go check on him real quick.

Apo: alright hurry up , the best part is coming up.

Barcode nods and walks out of the room. The others then put in clown masks and turns the light off and hide. Barcode knocks on the bathroom. Jeff the comes out.

Jeff: sorry if I took to long , ready to back to the movie?

Barcode: yea , let's go.

Jeff and Barcode walk back into the front living room. Barcode also is a bit scared of the dark so he grabs a hold of Jeff's  hand scared. The light then turns back on and ta , tong , mile , apo Juno out in clown mask scaring the living sh*t out of barcode. Barcode screams and starts panicking. Even looking at the clown mask scared him. Everything starts going black and he collapses into Jeff's arms.

Jeff: barcode! Everyone gets worried and takes the masks off. Jeff carries barcode over to the couch and lays him down.

Jeff: get water! Hurry!

Mile quickly rushes and gets a glass of water. Jeff pours a little bit of water in barcode face trying to wake him up. Barcode starts opening his eyes.

Tong: barcode! Barcode please don't die I'm  sorry it was a stupid idea!

Jeff: tong , stop being dramatic , he's not dead. He's waking up. Jeff helps barcode sit up.

Jeff:, barcode , are you ok?

Barcode:, I'm ok.

Jeff: we're sorry , we didn't mean to scare you that bad.

Barcode: it's ok , it's not your guys fault , I'm just a bit scared of clowns that's all.

Jeff: a bit?

Barcode: ok so maybe a lot scared.

Jeff: here , drink some water. Jeff says handing the glass to barcode , barcode takes it and takes a few sips.

Barcode: thanks p'jeff.

Tong: barcode , I'm so sorry. It was all my idea. Are you mad at me?

Barcode: it's ok tong. No need to apologize. And I could never be mad at you guys.

Apo: maybe we shouldn't watch scary movies tonight.

Barcode: no , i want to , I'm not scared of movies.

Jeff: are you sure?

Barcode: yes.

They all nod and set back down and hit okay in the movie , Jeff sits beside barcode. They practically stay up all night. Everyone is asleep except Jeff and barcode.

Barcode starts to drift off to sleep. His head falls in Jeff's shoulder. Jeff strokes his hair and kisses his forehead.

Jeff: goodnight barcode. Jeff says whispering so he didn't wake him up.

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