jeffbarcode , barcode is sick and faints in the bathroom

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊

Barcodes alarm started going off. him and Jeff had to film a few scenes today. Barcode got up , he had a pounding headache , he also had a score throat.

Barcode: *cough * cough *cough.

Barcode got dressed and grabbed his phone. He missed a call from Jeff a few minutes ago. He calls him back

Jeff: hi barcode , I called you a few minutes ago.

Barcode: I know , sorry p'jeff-*cough *cough.

Barcode: I was getting dressed. Barcode says in a score throat voice.

Jeff: are you ok?

Barcode: I'm ok p'jeff. So what did you call for?

Jeff: oh I was wondering if you needed picked up?

Barcode: yea.

Jeff: ok , I'll be there in about 10 minutes.

Barcode: ok see you then. * Cough * cough.

Barcode hangs he phone up and sits in the bed untill Jeff comes. His head feels like it's gonna be to explode any minutes. Everytime he coughs it hurts his chest. About 15/10 minutes later Jeff comes. He text barcode that he's outside and barcode goes outside and gets into the car.

Barcode: cough* cough. Barcode coughed while holding his chest.

Jeff: are you sure you alright?

Barcode: I'm ok p'jeff , it's just a little cold.

Jeff nods but still worried. Jeff drive to the filming studio and parks the car , they then walk in. Barcode goes u er and sits on the couch. Apo and mile then come over and sit next to him.

Apo: hey barcode.

Barcode: hi p'apo , p'mile. *Cough *cough.

Mile: you ok?

Barcode: I'm fine.

Apo: you sure , you don't look so good.

Barcode: I'm alright. Barcode says giving them a small smile.

Jeff then came over and set down next to barcode. They was all just relaxing and scrolling through their phones untill the director came.

Barcode's head fell on Jeff's shoulder. Jeff looked and seen barcode sleeping. He just let him sleep. About 30 minutes later the director walks in.

Director: alright , let's start filming.

Jeff gently wakes barcode up , barcode wakes you.

Director: barcode , Jeff , your guys scene starts soon.

Jeff nods and barcode also nods.

Director: are you ok barcode? You look paler then usual.

Barcode: krub , I'm fine. ( Krub means yes ).

Director: alright , go a head and get ready for the scene then. The director says walking away.

Time Skip.....

Everyone is getting ready to go home. Barcode is laying down in the couch sleeping. Bible walks up to Jeff.

Bible: hey Jeff , is barcode ok? He didn't look good all day.

Jeff: I thinks he's sick , he said he was fine but I know when he's not feeling good.

Bible: alright , just wanted to make sure. Hopefully he gets better soon.

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