kp cast apo and barcode are pregnant during world tour and a fan stab apo

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MaithiliParanjape I hope you like it 😊

The kinnporsche cast are going in tour to tomorrow. They are going to the Philippines.

Mile's house...

Mile and apo are laying in bed together. They started dating around 7 months ago. The others know about them , they haven't told the fans yet though. Their planning on telling them at the end of the concert.

Mile: your cute , you know that?.

Apo: yes , you tell me everyday. Apo says smiling and looking into apo's eyes.

Mile: because it's the truth.

Apo: and your very handsome and cute to.

Mile: I love you.

Apo: I love you too. They both smile at each other.

Mile: let's get some sleep , we got an early flight to tomorrow. Apo nods and Barrie's his head into mile chest.

Jeff's house...

Barcode is sleeping on Jeff's chest while Jeff strokes his hair. They started dating around around 5 months ago. They haven't told anyone yet except barcode's parents. His parents are supportive of their relationship. They don't know when their going to tell everyone exactly , Their just happy to have each other.

They next morning...

Barcode and Jeff are in the car driving to the airport. Jeff notices barcode looking pale and greenish.

Jeff: you ok? You don't look too good.

Barcode shakes his head no while covering his mouth. Jeff quickly stops the car , barcode opens the car and throws up on the side of the road.

*Barcode throwing up * Jeff reaches over and rubs his back.

Jeff: are you ok?

Barcode: I'm fine. Barcode says wiping his mouth. Jeff hands him a bottle of water. He drinks some of it and set it in the cup holder. Jeff feels his head.

Jeff: your not running a fever.

Barcode: I just felt sick all of a sudden.

Jeff: when's the last time you ate something?

Barcode: last night.

Jeff: maybe it was because you was hungry then. Want me to stop somewhere?

Barcode: no , it's fine.

Jeff: are you sure? You might get sick again.

Barcode: I'm sure.

Jeff nods and drives away. Barcode rolls down the window to get some air. They soon arrive at the airport. they walk in and see the others , they walk up to everyone.

Jeff: hey guys.

Apo: hey barcode.

Barcode: hi p'apo.

Apo: you ok?

Barcode: I'm ok. P'jeff , I'll be right back , I have to use the bathroom. Barcode walks away and into the bathroom.

Mile: is he ok?

Jeff: I think he might be coming down with something , he got sick on the way.

Mile: oh , hopefully he feels better soon.

Apo: mile , can you get me a bag of chips please?

Mile: of course baby. Mile says pecking his lips.

Tong: get a room.

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