skyjao , sky's ex girlfriend poison's jao

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DCOlliver I hope you like it 😊

Sky and jao have been dating for about a year now

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Sky and jao have been dating for about a year now. Jao and sky are still on college , sky usually stays over at jao's dorm.

Jao , toh , som and daisy was walking back to the dorm rooms. Class had just ended. Sky has basketball practice today so he couldn't pick jao up. When they was walking to their favorite noodle place they happened to see sky's ex girlfriend. Her name is Kasey. Kasey gave them a death glare. They just ignored her and continued eating their noddles. Jao could feel her staring at them the whole time. After they was finished they left and went back to their dorm rooms.

The next day....

Jao didn't have classes today so him and sky are going to hang out. They are going out to dinner. Jao is happy he gets to spend the day with sky. He has his pink sweater on and light blue jeans. Sky is picking him up in 10 minutes. Jao is just scrolling through his phone for the 10 minutes. He gets a text. From sky.

Sky: him outside ☺️

Jao: kk coming.

Jao smiles and walks outside and sees sky. He gets into the car and buckles up. Sky kisses jao on the cheek. Jao blushes.

Sky: aww are you shy.

Jao: nosey. Jao says sticking his tongue out. Sky sticks his tongue out back at jao. Sky laughs and drive away. They arrive at the restaurant and walk in. Sky already made reservations for them. The waiter shows them their table , they sit down. They order their drinks and the waiter goes and gets them. Sky notices Kasey is here , jai also notices her.

Sky: it's ok , just don't pay attention to her.

Jao nods and smiles while looking at sky. Their food then comes and the waiter sets it on the table and leaves. They start eating and talking.

Sky: I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick.

Jao: ok. Jao says smiling. Sky pecks jao on the lips and walks into the bathroom.

Kasey follows sky into the bathroom.

Kasey: did you miss me? Kasey says smirking.

Sky: Kasey , leave me alone.

Kasey: playing hard to get I see. Kasey says trailing her finger down sky's chest. Sky takes her hand and throws it off of him.

Sky: stay away from us. Sky says walking out. Kasey makes a angry/jealous face.

Kasey: go to hell jao. Kasey says to herself.

Sky sets back down and smiles at jao. Jao smiles back and feeds sky a peice of food. Sky eats it and smiles. Kasey sees a waiter bringing jao's soup. She tells the waiter it's for her and he gives it to her. She knows jao is allergic to peanuts. She crumbles peanuts up and sprinkles them into the soup. She then tells a different waiter to bring it to them. The waiter nods and brings it to jao's and sky's table.

Jao takes a bite of his soup. After jao finishes his soup , sky lays and they go to leave when jao falls to the floor gasping for air. He holds his throat trying to breathe.

Sky: jao! Jao! Someone help please!

Luckily a nurse is eating at the restaurant. She has a epi pen for her allergies to. She quickly brungs it over and stabs jao in the leg with it. In a few minutes jao begins breathing normally and catching his breathe. Kasey goes to walk out when peanuts fall out of her pocket. Sky sees what she dropped and gets angry.

Sky: what did you do!

Kasey: I didn't do anything. Kasey says in a snarky tone.

Sky: then what are these! Sky says picking the peanuts up.

Sky: did you put these in his food!

Kasey: or course not.

Sky: fine , then we'll see what the camera show.

Kasey: look I'm leaving I don't have time for this. She goes to leave but the nurse grabs her.

Nurse: you can leave when we know you didn't do it.

They have the manager look at the tape. Kasey tries to leave but a cop grabs her.

Cop: you under arrest for attempted murder.

Kasey: what! This is ridiculous!

The cop handcuffs her and puts her in the cop car and drives away.

Sky: are you ok?

Jao: I'm ok p'sky.

Sky: alright , let's go home now.

Jao nods and sky drives away. They go back to sky's dorm and walk inside. Sky and jao change into pajamas and head to bed. They are laying down looking into each other's eyes.

Sky: I love you.

Jao: I love you to.

They both smile and cuddle together falling asleep.

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