liankuea , kuea faints when he calls off the engagement 💍

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MaahiMaurya I hope you like it 😊

Kuea was in lains office waiting for him to get done with his work

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Kuea was in lains office waiting for him to get done with his work. It was Friday , which was supposed to be their date. They go in dates every Friday. Lian got a work emergency and is fixing it right now and kuea is just on the couch waiting. Kuea was bored so he decided to put his headphones in. Lian looked up and seen kuea dancing on the couch with his headphones in. He smiles and kuea stops and looks up at Lian.

Kuea: i-its a good song.

Lian just looks back down at his computer and smiles silently. Kuea takes his headphones out. He yawns and streches.

Lian: kuea , if your tired of waiting , I'll have foi take you home.

Kuea: it's ok hia lian , I can always wait for you. Kuea says with the same fake smile.

Kuea waits for about 10 more minutes. Lian finally shuts his computer off and stands up. He walks over to kuea.

Lian: I'm sorry but we'll have to cancel are date , it'd late and you need to sleep.

Kuea: it's ok hia lian.

Lian walks away and kuea follows him. Lian shuts the door in kuea's face. Kuea sighs and opens it and cities following lian.

Lian: kuea , I'll have foi take you home , go wait in my office for him.

Kuea: I love you hia lian.

Lian just looks down at his book. Kuea feels sad when kian doesn't say it back , he never says is back. He had enough of it.

Kuea: do you even love me?

Lian: what?

Kuea: everytime I mention love , you avoid it.

Lian: if you ask me , it's not love yet.

Kuea: then why are you even marrying me? Kuea says with teary eyes.

Lian: because , I am to fulfill your grandfather's wish. Plus , you act like an Annabelle doll.

Kuea: if that's how you feel then , then let's just call off out engagement.

Lian: kuea , that's not necessary , we can just live separately.

Kuea then starts to feel dizzy. Tears are streaming down his face and everythjgd going blurry. He grabs into lians jacket.

Lian: kuea , what's wrong?

Before kuea could answer and callpases on to the ground. Lian is worried and freaking out.

Lian: kuea! Kuea wake up please! Lian picked kuea up bridle style and carries him to the bedroom. He lays him on to the the bed. Lian holds his hand while tears run down his face. He regrets saying on those things to kuea , he did love him , he wishes he would have just said it back. Kuea then starts waking up. Lian helps him sit up. Kuea looks at Lian and sees him crying.

Kuea: why are you crying hia lian?

Lian: k-kuea , I'm so sorry. I should have just said it back , kuea I do love you I'm so sorry.

Kuea: y-you love me?

Lian: yes , I love you.

Kuea smiles and wipes Lian's tears away. Lain then leans in and kisses kuea on the lips.

Lian: I love you kuea. Lian says smiling.

Kuea: I love you too hia lian. Kuea says smiling.

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