zeenunew , zee's "fan" poisons nunew

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JaniceFong1 I hope you like it 😊

Zee has a solo event today , nunew is going to drive him and pick him up

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Zee has a solo event today , nunew is going to drive him and pick him up. After he picks him up , they are going to go out to dinner together. Nunews happy that him and zee are going out to dinner later. He wants to take zee to a special place that him and his parents and brother used to go to when they were kids.

Nunew is driving to zee's house to pick him up right now. He got zee a special necklace , it has a z on it for zee. He pulls up to his house and see gets in.

Zee: hey nhu , what's that? Zee says pointing to a gift bag.

Nunew: it's for you , I wanted to get you something special. Nunew pulls the necklace out and shows it to zee.

Zee: oh nhu it's beautiful , but you didn't have to get me anything.

Nunew: I know , but I wanted you to have something special. Do you like it?

Zee: I love it , I'm never going to take it off. Help me put it on?

Nunew nods happy and puts it around zee's neck. Zee smiles and nunew drives off. He's so happy that zee likes it.

When nunew arrives at the event , zee hugs him bye and gets out. Nunew notices one of the fans looking strangely at him. The look kinda creeps him out but he just shrugs it off and drives off.

Time skip...

Zee is waiting for nunew to pick him up , the event has already ended and all the fans left. Zee notices a fan coming toward him holding a phone. He guesses she wants a picture , he doesn't mind , he loves taking pictures with his fans.

Fan: c-could I get a picture. She says nervous and shy.

Zee: sure. Zee says smiling.

Zee snaps the picture of them and hands her , her phone back. She smiles and leaves the building. Nunew then pulls up , he sees the same fan he saw earlier. He waves and smiles at her but she just rolls her eyes and walks away. Nunew then sees zee and smiles. Zee gets in and smiles at him.

Zee: hi nhu. Zee says hugging him.

Nunew: so how was the event?

Zee: good , but I'm looking forward more to go to dinner with you.

Nunew: then let's go. Nunew says smiling.

Zee nods and nunew drives off. When they got to the restaurant they walked in and set down at a table. Zee and nunew both noticed the same fan there , she was sitting only a table away from them. They both felt kinda uneasy.l , they tried their best to just focus on each other. They order their food and it soon came. Nunew ordered chicken tenders with fries and zee orders steak and fries.

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