zeenunew , nunew has sleep paralysis

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Zee and nunew are in Korea for work/vacation right now. Net ,James and P'Aof are there to. They are staying at a fancy hotel. P'Aof has his own room , net and James are sharing a room and zee , nunew are sharing a room.

They have been there for 3 days. They are staying for a whole month. Zee and nunew are going out for ice cream with P'Aof and the others. They are very exited to walk around Korea.

They are meeting each other in the lobby of the hotel.

Zee: nu are you ready!? Zee says from the bedroom.

Nunew: almost! Nunew says from the bathroom.

A few minutes later nunew walks out of the bathroom.

Nunew: ok I'm ready.

Zee: you look so adorable in that.

Nunew's cheeks turn bright pink when zee said that.

Nunew: thank you hia , you look handsome also.

Zee: thank you.

Zee wraps his arm around nunew waist and walks out of the room with him. They walk into the elevator and press the 1st floor.

They get to the 1st floor and zee P'Aof and netjames waiting. They walk up to them.

Nunew runs up to James exited.

Nunew: hi James , hi net. Nunew says exited.

Zee laughs and smiles at nunews adorableness.

James: hi nunew , hi zee.

They all talk for a few minutes and then they head out. They start walking to the ice cream shop.

Nunew see's a cat Statue and runs up to it.

Nunew: aww , this is so cute , it looks like July. ( July is nunew cute cat ).

Zee: stand in front of it , I'll get a picture for you.

Nunew nods and poses by it. Zee smiles and snaps the picture for nunew.

They continue walking to the ice cream shop. They soon arrive there.

They all order their ice cream and walk through Korea just looking around.

Zee feeds nunew a bite of his ice cream. ( Zee's ice cream ). James and net are laughing at them for being so lovey dovey.

It's about 7:30 pm now. It's dark out so they decide to head back to the hotel. They all go back to their rooms.

Zee: I'm gonna go get a shower real quick.

Nunew nods and sits on the bed scrolling through his phone.

He ends up falling asleep with his head against the bed board. After zee gets done with his shower he comes out of the bathroom.

He sees the way nunew is sleeping. He walks over to him and lays nunews head on the pillow. Zee then lays down and falls asleep next to nunew.

3:00 am.

Nunew wakes up but can't move his body or talk or do anything. He starts breathing heavy and trying to talk.

Nunew: mm ,mmm.

Zee wakes up and sees what's going on.

Zee: nu , what's wrong?

Tears fall from nunews eyes.

Zee: ok just calm. Down , breathe ok. Breathe with me ok.

Zee has nunew take deep breaths in and out with him.

Zee: ok , now try moving your hand.

Nunew still can't move. Zee runs over and turns in the light. Nunew sees a shadow in the corner of the room. He starts trying to scream and gets more scared than he already is.

Zee: it's ok nu , it's ok I'm right here with you. It's going to be ok.

Nunew begins moving his hand. Zee helps him move his arm. Nunew then sits up and let's out a deep breathe and starts breathing heavy.

Zee hugs him. Nunew just sobs in his arms.

Zee: shh , it's ok , it's ok.

Nunew: ther-there was something in the room

Zee then pulls away from the hug and wipes nunews tears away.

Zee: where was it?

Nunew points to the corner of the room. Zee slowly walks over and doesn't see anything.

Zee: it's ok nu , there's nothing here. It's ok. I won't let anything hurt you.

Zee walks back over and hugs nunew again. Nunew hugs zee tighter.

Zee then pulls away from the hug and looks nunew in the eyes.

Zee: are you ok?

Nunew nods with tears still streaming down his face. Zee kisses nunew on the head.

Zee: get some rest ok , don't worry , I'm going to be beside you all night I promise.

Nunew: thank you hia.

Zee: your welcome my nu.

Nunew then lay back down and zee sits beside him stroking his hair untill he falls asleep.

Nunew soon falls asleep. Zee stays beside him awake all night making sure he's ok.

The next morning....

Zee and nunew are getting dressed. They walk down to the lobby and meet you with the others.

P'Aof is talking to the front desk lady about something.

Zee: what's P'Aof doing?

Net: he's talking to the front desk lady about this hotels history.

Zee: what do you mean?

James: supposedly this hotel is haunted.

Nunew looks at zee scared and zee pulls nunew closer to him.

P'Aof then walk over.

P'Aof: guys guess what , she said that back in 1989 a girl got stabbed to death in zee and nunews room and now she haunts it.

They all laugh and think it's not real except zee and nunew.

They all laugh and think it's not real except zee and nunew

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