ohmnanon , nanon tries to commit suicide

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Omh and nanon played in 2 series together

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Omh and nanon played in 2 series together. They've known each other a long time. They started dating a year ago. They kept it secret for a while untill a few days ago. They officially came out as a couple. All the fans was so happy for them. Ohm's family was okay with them dating , nanon is meeting up with his parents today. He hopes they are okay with it. They have always supported him so he figures they will support him now. Ohm is going with him. They are in the car right now driving to nanon's parents house. Omg can tell nanon is nervous , he holds his hand to calm him down. Nanon turns to him and smiles at him. Ohm smiles back and continues driving.

They soon arrive at nanon's parents house. Ohm parks the car and they get out. They holds hands and walk in. They go into the backyard , nanon's parents are sitting at the table with food on it. Nanon can tell they don't look to happy. They both sit down.

N mom: hello ohm. She says in a cold tone.

Ohm: hi m'am.

N Dad: oh for God sake , nanon we don't want you seeing ohm.

Nanon: what why?

N dad: because , we don't want a gay son!

Nanon: mom , dad , we love each other.

N mom: you are not aloud to see ohm.

Ohm: m'am , please , we really love each other.

N mom: ohm you leave now! Nanon you aren't a loud to see him!

Nanon: you can't just do this!

N mom: we can , and we will.

N Dad: ohm get out!

Ohm has no choice but to leave. Nanon stays and tries to talk to his parents.

Nanon: mom , dad please don't do this please! So what if I'm gay! You can't just choose who u
I love and who i don't love!

N mom: I don't give a care! You are not to see him!

Nanon then storms out of there. Tears stream down his face. He can't believe his parents aren't supportive of him and ohm's relationship. Ohm hugs him.

Ohm: nanon it's gonna be ok. W'ell figure something out.

Nanon: I just didn't understand , what's so wrong about it.

Ohm: nothing's bad about it , it's just his sine people are.

Nanon: why , why can't they just understand.

Ohm: give them time.

The next few days ohm and nanon haven't been with each other. They've been keeping it low so nanon's parents wouldn't find out. Nanon's parents called him yesterday wanting to meet up with him. He's going by himself to meet them. He is in front of the house right now. He walks in and sees his parents looking mad. Nanon's mom holds a few pictures up. It's if him and ohm hanging out yesterday.

N mom: we thought we told you to stay away from ohm.

Nanon: mom , I love him. We're boyfriends and your going to have to accept that.

N Dad: we are not going to have a f*ggot son! Break up with him!

Nanon can't even believe what his parents  are saying. He can't take this , he cat take any of it. He goes straight home and goes into the bathroom. He knows there only one way out of this. He keeps thinking of all the things his parents said to him. He picks up a bottle of pills and swallows them. a few minutes later he drops to the ground with white foam coming out of his mouth.

Ohm came to check on nanon because he knows he saw his parents today. He knocked on the door but he wasn't answering. He got his spare key out and walks inside.

Ohm: nanon! Nanon where are you! Ohm says trying to find nanon. He starts getting worried. He walks in the bathroom and sees the most horrifying sight. He rushes to nanon.

Ohm: nanon! No! Please you can't leave! No! No! Ohm says in tears. He quickly calls the ambulance. Be time the ambulance gets there nanon is barely breathing.

Ohm drives behind the ambulance. They wouldn't let him ride in the back. When he gets to the hospital he rushes in. The doctor tells him to wait in the waiting room. He is Barrie's his face in his hands crying. He can't loose nanon. He loves him to much. About a half and hour later the doctor walks up to ohm.

Doctor: he's going to alright. He's lucky he's alive with that many pills he took. He's awake and if you would like you can see him.

Ohm rushes back into nanon's room. Nanon is sitting up , he turns to ohm and him rushes over and hugs him.

Ohm: don't you ever do that again! I could have lost you!

Nanon: I'm sorry. Nanon says crying in ohm's arms.

Ohm: I can't loose you! I love you too much! Did you even think about us! About how I would feel loosing you!

Nanon: I'm sorry , I'm sorry. I just couldn't take my parents.

Ohm: what ever they said is not true , what ever they told you , don't believe them. As long as we have each other other it doesn't matter. They both are crying in each other's arms.

Ohm: please don't ever do that again. Don't try to leave again.

Nanon: I won't , I won't I promise.

Ohm: I love you so much nanon.

Nanon: I love you too ohm. They press their foheads against each others.

Ohm: your all that matters to me.

Nanon: thank you for loving me.

Ohm: I'm always going to love you no matter what happens. Ohm says wiping nanon's tears away.

They share a passionate kiss and then hug.

They share a passionate kiss and then hug

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