prapaisky , sky is anxious about meeting prapai's parents 😰

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moondustedslut I hope you like it 😊

Prapai and sky have been dating for a while now

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Prapai and sky have been dating for a while now. Prapai is bringing sky to meet his parents today. Sky is really anxious and nervous. He's sacred that they won't like him or he'll say something wrong or they will think he's not good enough for prapai. He's thinking a thousand things. He's already dressed and ready. He's just waiting for prapai to come pick him up. He was pacing back and forth nervous. So many thoughts was running through his mind. He snapped out of his thoughts when he gets a text from prapai.

Prapai: sky , I'm on my up to your dorm room now.

Sky: ok , see you in a few minutes then.

A few minutes later prapai knocked on the door. Sky took a few deep breaths before opening the door , he opened it and prapai saw smiling.

Prapai: ready?

Sky: y-yea.

Prapai: are you ok?

Sky: yea. Let's get going.

Prapai nods and wraps his arm around sky's waist. He can tell somthjng is bothering sky. They get into the car and prapai drives away. Sky I'd looking out the window not saying anything.

Prapai: sky , are you sure your ok?

Sky: yeah.

Prapai: sky , talk to me please.

Sky: I guess I'm just nervous to meet your parents , what if they don't like me , or what if I say something wrong to them , or what if they don't think I'm good en-sky gets cut off.

Prapai: sky , call down. Your over thinking , their going to love you. Trust me. Prapai says holding skys hand. Sky nods and smiles.

Sky: thank you p'prapai sky says smiling.

They arrive at prapai's orante house. Prapai parks and they walk inside. Sky is holding prapai's hand. Prapai's parents then walk into the room.

Mom: we're so glad your home prapai. She says cupping prapai's cheeks and kissing his cheeks. ( In a cute mom son way ).

Dad: hi son.

Mom: so , is this sky , the one you won't quit talking about?

Prapai: yea ma , this is sky. We're boyfriends.

Sky gets shy and nervous of what there glikg to say.

Dad: it's about time you find you self a lover. sky , we're so happy to have you here. You can call us ma and pa if you'd like.

Sky: thank you , ma and pa. They all smile and walk into the kitchen. Prapai's parents have a bunch of food on the table. They all sit down , they put food on their plate and start eating. Prapai's parents adore sky.

Mom: I see why you picked him Prapai , he's adorable. She says cupping sky's cheeks. sky starts getting shy.

Dad: he really is adorable.

Prapai: ma , pa , I'm jealous. Prapai says joking.

Sky: don't be jealous please. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you jealous. Sky says in a panic tone.

Prapai: sky , I was joking , I'm not really jealous. Don't worry na. Prapai says kissing sky's forehead.

Sky: I'm sorry ma and pa for being so nervous. I was afraid you would think I wasn't good enough for prapai.

Mom: nong sky , don't worry about it ,it's ok to be nervous. Your perfect for prapai , I can he really loves you and you really love him. Sky smiles at them. ( Nong means someone younger

Prapai: ok let's eat.

They all smile and continue eating.

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