zeenunew , nunew is afraid of heights 🕊️

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weronikagrass2004 I hope you like it 😊

weronikagrass2004 I hope you like it 😊

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Nunew's birthday concert is tomorrow. Nunew Is very exited for it but also nervous. He's nervous because , when he's singing one of the songs , he has to get lifted up in the air by angel wings. The angel wings will be hooked to a wire , going up in the air. Nunew has rehearsal today. He's at zees house because he stayed over last night. Zee was just waiting in the kitchen for nunew. Nunew pit his sweatshirt on and went into the kitchen. Zee smiled at nunew and grabbed his jacket.

Zee: nhu , are you ready?

Nunew: yeah , I'm ready hia.

Zee wraps his arm around nunews waist and walked outside and into the car. Zee then started driving. Nunew wasn't saying a word , he was just looking out the window. Zee could tell something was bothering him.

Zee: nhu , are you ok?

Nunew: yeah , I'm ok hia.

Zee: is something bothering you?

Nunew: no.

Zee: nhu , I know when somethings wrong , please talk to me.

Nunew: i-im scared.

Zee: of what? Zee says in a soft and gentle tone.

Nunew: of going up in the air with the wings. I'm scared if heights.

Zee: nhu it's going to be ok , I promise. I'll be right there with you the whole time , and after I'll take you to get desserts ok.

Nunew: thank you hia. Nunew says smiling. Zee smiles and holds nunews hand while driving.

They arrive at the concert place , see parks and they get out and walk in. They greet all the staff and walk on to the stage. The staff are setting the strings up on the wings. Nunew is shaking a little and looking scared. Zee pulled nunew into s huh and placed nunews head on his chest. Zee kissed nunews head.

Zee: shh it's ok , it's gonna be ok. It's ok nhu , I'm right here with you.

After nunew calms down zee pulls away from the hug.  He kisses nunews forehead and smiles at him.

Zee: it's ok nhu.

Nunew: thank you hia.

Zee: your welcome nhu , now go be the best angel. Zee says ruffling nunews hair.

Staff: nunew , we're ready for you to get snapped in the harness now.

Zee gives nunew a reassuring smile one last time , nunew then goes to and gets snapped in the harness. They start bringing nunew up in the air. He has his eye closed right. When he's all the way up , he opens his eyes. He's scared but , zee looks at him and they keep eye contact. It keeps nunew calm looking and thinking about zee. Zee smiles at him and nunew smiles back. After about 10 minutes in the air , they lower nunew down from the harness. He takes the harness off and walks to zee. Zee goes to say something but nunew hugs him.

Nunew: thank you so much hia.

Zee: your welcome my nhu. You did great , your going to do great tomorrow.

Nunew pulls away from the hug and smiles at zee , zee smiles back at him and weaks his arm around his waist and walks away to take a little break.

The next day nunew did his concert , zee helped him through the flying part. After the concert , zee took him to get ice cream.

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