fortpeat , fort has mental health problems

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊
Fort ,peat , boss , and nouel have a interview tomorrow. Fort hasn't been feeling that's great lately. He was having a lot of anxiety lately. And he hasn't got a break off from work for days/weeks. He's been booked for Tons of interviews and events. He hasn't told anyone how he felt because he doesn't want to burden anyone with his problems. He's barely getting any sleep at night and is always over thinking. It's 1:35 am , fort is sitting in bed over thinking a lot of things. He just wanted to cry , but he feels so numb that he can't even cry.


6:30 am...

Fort was still awake. He was covered up in blankets and his alarm started going off. He didn't have any energy to even get up and shower, but he had an interview, so he had to at least try.

He looked off the covers and went into the bathroom. He turned the shower on and got in.

After his shower , he got dressed and headed out.


He arrived at the interview place. He parked and walks inside. He could barely smile. He walked over to peat , boss and nouel. Peat smiles at him , fort manges gives him a small smile.

Peat: hey fort. Are you ok?

Fort: I'm fine , just tired.

Peat: are you sure?

Fort: yeah.

Nouel: what time did you go to sleep last night?

Fort: around 10. Fort didn't want to tell them he didn't get any sleep at all.

Nouel: try to git I need a little earlier tonight.

Fort: I will.

Interviewer: guys jets start now!

Fort , peat , boss and nouel go set down in front of the camera. The interview starts.

Interviewer: ok so , if you could switch roles with someone , who would it be?

Noeul: I think I'd choose , probably p'phayu.

Interviewer: how about you boss?

Nods: hmm I I'd choose Prapai.

Peat: well I would still want to be sky , I feel like sky is sorta connected to me.

Interviewer: chi , chi , so how about you fort? ( Chi means yes ). Fort was spaced out and over thinking. He couldn't stop thinking about things.

Peat: first? Peat says tapping forts shoulder.

Fort: hm? Fort says snapping out of it.

Interviewer: which character would you want to switch with?

Fort: oh uh , I'd be phayu.

Interviewer: good choice everyone. Next questions is-fort was thinking s million things at a time. A few tears fell from his eyes. Peat noticed and so did everyone else.

Peat: fort what's that matter?

Fort: huh oh nothing. Fort says quickly wiping his tears away and putting on a smile.

Peat: fort ,  it's ok , your aloud to cry. Tell me what's wrong na. Fort then breaks down into tears. Peat , boss and nouel hug him and comfort him.

Peat: it's ok , it's alright.

Nouel: it's ok fort , you can talk to us.

Boss: that's right , we're always here for you.

Fort: it's just , it's been so hard to even sleep or get out of bed lately , and I keep having bad anxiety and it's just so hard lately. I feel like if I would have told you guys , I would be burdening you guys. I'm sorry. Fort says crying. They continue hugging him.

Peat: don't ever think that , your never a burden to us. We love you , and we never want to feel this way.

Nouel: yeah peats right , we love you , and you can talk to us anytime.

Boss: your are family , and family talks to each other so anytime you need to talk , we're here.

Fort: *sniff* thanks guys. Fort says smiling

Interviewer: we could cancel the interview , I'm ok with it. Your guys health is way more important.

Fort: thank you.

Interviewer: your welcome.

Peat: I'll drive you home. Come on.

Fort: thanks peat.

Peat smiles and stands up with him to leave. Boss amd nouel say by to him and tell him to rest


Peat drives fort home. They both walk in.

Peat; I'll make us some food.

Fort: oh no it's ok , i don't want to cause you any trouble. I feel bad about you had to drive me home.

Peat: fort , I don't mind , and it was my choice. Now , what would you like to eat? Fort smilies.

Fort: I only have ramen so , I guess ramen. They both share a laugh.

Peat makes them some ramen and sets it in the ramen. He sits beside peat.

Fort: thank you so much peat , for everything.

Peat: your welcome fort. I'll always be here for you. They smile at each other and eat their ramen.

Fort eventually got better and took a 2 week break from work. He spends the time with his family and peat. 

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