Bellarke modern AU- New Year's Eve

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*fanart by windybirb on tumblr*
*Look I know I'm late to the game but pls forgive me*
*Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin find themselves at the same NYE party*

Clarke Griffin wrapped her arms around herself tightly, trying to trap some semblance of warmth inside her. It was New Year's Eve and the blue satin slip dress that covered her body was doing nothing to shield her from the cold.

"Told ya you should have brought a jacket." Her friend Raven laughed, walking in tow beside her.

The other girl wore a leather jacket covering a sheer bodysuit.

"Well I guess you're just smarter than me." Clarke said, trying not to sound irritable.

She had just finished an 8 hour shift in the ER and partying sounded like the last thing she wanted to do right now.

"Come on, Griffin, lighten up, it's a holiday." Raven nudged her playfully.

She couldn't help but laugh.

The pair stopped then, Clarke looking up at the sign above the club.

"Arkardia?" She asked, incredulously.

"I've never heard of it."

"Trust me." Is all Raven said, joining the line.


Bellamy Blake scanned the now crowded club. Music pounded in his ears and lights flashed rapidly around him.

He'd never liked the idea of clubbing, maybe it had something to do with his father being an alcoholic, or the masses of people that tended to throw themselves at him when they were drunk. If they saw him on the street, in the daylight, or at the garage fixing cars, they'd look right past him, but something about the booze and the lights made him irresistible to them. He didn't much like that.

"Two beers." He turned to the bartender, flashing his hand upward so they knew what he wanted.

The bartender nodded, disappearing behind the divider to retrieve his drinks.

He looked back at the crowd, his best friend Murphy sat gazing, loving, or more correctly drunkenly at his girlfriend Emori.

He detested being the third wheel, but better that than being alone on the holidays. It's not as if he could follow his little sister to a high school party, it's not as if he'd want to. But the idea of returning to that table was beginning to make his stomach turn.

Bellamy payed for his drinks then, grabbing the cups in both his hands. He turned quickly, only to gasp when he collided with another body.

"What the hell?" A girl's voice cried out over the noise.

Bellamy whipped his head around to apologise and was stopped in his tracks.

A beautiful blonde girl stood before him, anger on her face and beer all over her dress.

She looked at him expectantly.

"I'm- I'm sorry." He choked, trying not the laugh. He knew though by her reaction that he was not doing a good job.

"You think this is funny?"

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