Bellarke on the Ark- Part 2

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*Clarke confides in somebody, and we all know how that turns out*

Clarke walked back to her room feeling like she'd been punched in the chest. Sure meeting Octavia had been good. The girl had pulled her into a hug, so excited to meet someone new. But afterward Clarke told Bellamy she needed to leave.

She felt like she couldn't breathe in there. She now felt like she was responsible for Octavia. For keeping her alive.

She could barely walk, her whole body shaking.

It was early morning now. The lights beginning to flicker on in the halls.


The girl heard someone call her name, and light footsteps running after her.

She'd expected to see Bellamy, but as she turned she saw another familiar face.

"Wells." She sighed. She hadn't even known she'd been crying, but her voice said it all.

"Clarke?" The worry on the boy's face was evident.

"I'm fine." She insisted before he could ask.

The boy looked unconvinced.

"Is it about Bellamy?" Wells couldn't keep the distain from his voice.

To his surprise Clarke broke down in tears then, throwing herself at him.

He pulled her close, hugging her tightly.

"Let's go somewhere and talk." He told her.

"Let's go somewhere." She agreed.


They were back in Clarke's room and the girl had finally settled down. She was sitting across from Wells on the couch, biting her lip.

"Clarke, please tell me what's going on." Wells asked, his voice tired.

They'd been sitting in silence for almost half an hour, Clarke working up the courage to tell him.

Half of her wanted to spare him. To keep him safe. If he didn't know, he couldn't be hurt if anyone ever found out. But the other half, the stronger half needed to confide in her best friend.

"It's- it's Bellamy." She managed to whimper.

"He broke up with you." Wells assumed aloud.

Clarke looked as though he'd slapped her.

"No." She said, adamantly.

Wells couldn't help but feel deflated. After so long he thought Clarke would realise how bad Bellamy was for her.

"No no it's worse."

"Did he hurt you?" Wells growled.

"No no." Clarke was aghast.

"No he would never."

"It's about his family." She tried to explain.

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