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*Bellamy Blake goes to great lengths to cheer up the sad, beautiful girl he found sitting alone in a bar*

Bellamy Blake walked into the bar, surveying the room. It was Friday evening and everyone that had just finished work for the week had flocked to the bars to forget their troubles.

Bellamy was no different. A cop's job never really finished at 5pm, it followed you home, even when you tried not to let it.

He moved over to the bar, tapping it twice to gain the attention of one of the bartenders.

The man looked at him.

"What can I get for you?"

"Jack and coke." He said quickly, his eyes drifting to the other end of the bar.

A girl caught his attention, she was wearing an EMT uniform, with light blonde hair pulled back into a messy braid.

"I wish she wouldn't sit up at the bar." Bellamy heard one bartender whisper to the other.

"She only even orders one drink and she deters other people from coming up." He continued.

"What's her deal?" The other guy asked, louder than he should have.

"She's in here like every weekend waiting for her boyfriend but he never shows." The other man responded and both of them laughed, as they set Bellamy's drink on the counter.

It was apparent from the girl's face that she had heard everything they had said.

"Thanks." Bellamy hissed, moving towards the girl.

"Hey princess," he said loudly, making a show of it as he sat next to her.

"Sorry I'm late. Work was crazy."

The girl looked at him strangely.

"I think you're confused." She whispered, a blush forming on her cheeks.

"Work with me here." He responded, his voice low.

A look of understanding past over the girl's face.

"That's okay, baby." She forced a smile, grabbing his hand.

Bellamy couldn't help but smile.

"How bout we go somewhere where the staff are a little friendlier hmm?" He asked, throwing a knowing look at the bartenders.

For a moment the girl looked as if she might say no, but instead she stood, grabbing Bellamy's hand and leading him out the door.

They walked hand in hand only until they were a safe distance from the bar.

The sun was setting and streetlights were beginning to illuminate the night sky.

"You didn't have to do that." The girl whispered, dropping Bellamy's hand.

"Of course I did. I couldn't just let those assholes poke fun at you." Bellamy resounded, leaning against a light post.

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