Now there's something I thought I'd never see

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*what should have happened after that iconic scene*

Clarke woke up in her tent. She was so relieved, to be safe finally. She felt like she's been holding her breath for months and now she could finally exhale.

As she did, she remember everything that her head injury had let her forget.

Finn and Bellamy were still missing. She knew that they were probably dead.

Everyone she cared about died, or betrayed her.

Her mind wandered to Finn. He'd betrayed her.

He let her fall in love with him while he was with someone else.

She liked Raven, she really did. She was a good person, and she'd done nothing wrong.

Clarke made a silent promise. If Finn and Bellamy lived, she would let Raven have Finn.

It was the least she could do.

A rustling outside her tent roused her from her thoughts.

"Clarke?" She heard a tentative voice ask.

It was Raven.

A smile grew on her face; at least someone was alive.

She ripped open the tent. Ignoring the ache in her limbs.

"Hi!" She exclaimed, moving forward to hug Raven.

It felt good to have a friend.

"I've been waiting out here all night." Raven lamented, a smile on her face.

As they pulled away Clarke noticed Raven's leg.

She should have known no one could get out unscathed.

"Raven I..." Clarke began, feeling her heart wrench.

Clarke had taken so much from Raven, she couldn't have Finn too.

Though it made her heart physically ache, she had decided. Finn was Raven's.

"It sucks but... I'm dealing with it." Raven interrupted, smiling.

They stared at each other for a moment.

Each feeling the loss of Finn. The worry. Raven knew Clarke loved him. He was so easy to love.

The gate buzzed, interrupting both of their thoughts.

Clarke's mind reeled.



Bellamy Blake walked through the gates of Arkadia. He felt relief, but also fear as his gun was taken from him.

Everything he knew was gone.

Finn was God knows where. Clarke had been missing.

He felt overwhelmed, and afraid, but strangely safe.

Safe for the first time since his two feet hit the ground.

Abbey Griffin approached him, he felt his relief swell.

He knew how reliable Clarke was, and if her mum was anything her, they would be safe... at least for now.

After some intense questioning, that made his heart ache, Abbey left.

He looked at Octavia, at least he still had her.

Damn it. He missed Clarke. He missed how he always felt in control around her. He felt like together they could conquer anything. He missed that feeling.

As if by magic she appeared before him, running at him.

Clarke threw herself into Bellamy's arms. Tightening her arms around his shoulders.

She smiled, breathing him in. She had missed him.

They'd had their differences but God she had missed him.

Bellamy was in total shock. Clarke Griffin was hugging him. He hadn't seen her in so long and now here she was. In his arms.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly, squeezing her.

She was real, and she was here. Clarke Griffin was in his arms.

They stayed like that for a moment. Revelling in each other.

"I missed you." Bellamy whispered, despite himself.

Clarke's arms tightened around him.

"I missed you too." She admitted.

They pulled away, looking at each other for a moment.

The world stopped spinning.

Bellamy realised exactly what he was looking at, exactly what this pull in his chest and this race of his heart was.

He loved her.

He loved Clarke Griffin.

She was the only person who had ever understood him.

She is the only person that had ever cared about him.

Her forgiveness had meant more to him than anything else.

He loved her.

In one swift movement, Bellamy had grabbed Clarke's leather jacket and pulled her into a kiss.

She gasped against him. Loving the way his lips felt on hers.

She had missed him so much and now she knew why.

She smiled against him, and wrapped her arms around him.

His fingers were in her hair, as they pulled away.

They looked at each other again.

Finn be damned. She thought, kissing him once softly.

The pair heard Octavia chuckle and looked toward her.

"Now there's something I thought I'd never see."

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