Bellarke AU- the hunger games part 5

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*One lasttt time*

Bellamy Blake awoke the a horrifying image. Clarke Griffin was splayed across the floor. She was bleeding from her forehead.

He rushed over to her, touching her face, slick with blood.

"Clarke?" He whispered, his voice was gruff, as he considered her death.

Surely he would have heard a canon. Or someone would have come for her.

Surely she wasn't dead.

Bellamy let out a heaving sob.

He pressed his head to her chest.

Her heart beat softly against his ears.

He sighed with relief, picking her up and placing her in the sleeping bag.

That's when he realised his leg.

It was pain free, only a small line remained of his wound.

He chuckled, looking at Clarke.

This beautiful, strong girl had risked her life to save his.

Bellamy stood, grabbing the last of the soup, he walked outside.

The bright sun stung his eyes, but he persevered.

He placed the soup on a hot rock to heat, before retreating back inside.

"Bellamy?" He heard Clarke's anxious voice call.

He rushed inside.

"Hey." He whispered, kneeling down to greet her.

She smiled groggily.

"Your leg." She exclaimed.

"You saved me princess." He whispered, helping her back into bed.

"We saved each other." She murmured as she was pulled back into sleep.

Bellamy smiled, kissing the girl on forehead.

It was another 3 hours before Clarke truly woke.

The soup was nice and warm by then, and Bellamy spoon fed it to her. Just as she had to him.

Once Clarke had eaten the last of the soup she smiled.

"We could win you know?" She said suddenly.

Bellamy looked at her. Real hope lay in her green eyes.

"We could." She said again.

"We're the only team left." She reassured him

"We could go home." Bellamy whimpered.

Clarke pulled Bellamy into a tight hug.

She felt his warm breath against her neck.

He felt like home to her.

A little rough around the edges but beautiful.

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