Bellarke Modern AU- More than meets the eye

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*Video by TeamHodgins on youtube*

*Clarke Griffin moves into a new apartment below one Bellamy Blake*

*Trigger warning; mentions of murder and gun violence*


"Couldn't have gotten a place with an elevator huh Griffin?" Raven Reyes complained. She held on to one end of a couch and Clarke Griffin, several steps above her held the other.

"Do I look like I'm made of money?" She huffed in reply, stepping up again carefully.

"No but I thought you had common sense. Dr. Griffin." Raven chided.

"I'm Premed, Reyes. Not even close to a doctor yet." She sighed, pulling the couch further.

"Can I help you ladies?" A low, male voice called from behind Raven.

"Yes ple..." Raven was interrupted by Clarke.

"We'll be alright thank you. It's only one more level!" She called down to the boy she couldn't see.

"Well as you're blocking my way I feel as though it's only right for me to get you out of it." The boy laughed, ducking past Raven and moving up the stairs toward Clarke.

"He's hot." Raven mouthed, before the boy had a chance to emerge.

"Hot!" She emphasised, waving her hand in front of her face comically.

"Stop it." Clarke mouthed back angrily.

Raven stopped, looking at the girl softly.

"I'm sorry." She mouthed.

Raven knew that Clarke was distrustful of men.

Ever since Finn.

The bastard had dated them both in secret, without each other's knowledge for weeks.

Due to conflicting schedules the girls hadn't seen each other, hadn't even had time to talk about their new "boyfriend".

But when they finally did get together, when they finally told each other how happy they were with their brand new boyfriend Finn with the long dreamy hair and the flirtatious smile they became suspicious. It took less than a minute and a simple exchange of one photograph to break both of their hearts.

"Can I grab that for you?" The boy appeared next to Clarke.

He was incredibly tall, with dark curly brown hair and deep eyes to match.

Raven was right. He was hot.

"Like I said, it's only one more flight, we can manage." Clarke repeated.

"Okay," The mystery boy replied, turning around and walking past Clarke.

"Good luck trying to unlock your door though!" He teased.

Clarke sighed heavily.

"Wait!" She called.

"Would you please help us?" She asked bitterly.

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