Bellarke season 6 AU- "We can't do this"

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*Video by ful.FILM.ent*
*Chapter inspired by this AMAZING edit*

Clarke was frantically stuffing supplies into her pack. Water, rations, bandages.

She scrambled through the bedroom drawer. She packed enough sanitary supplies to last her a month.

She wouldn't be gone long.

Just enough time to befriend their new enemy.

She just had to get out.. get out before...

Bellamy Blake burst into her room then.

"What do you think you're doing?" He demanded, slamming his fist onto the chest of drawers.

Clarke flinched.

"You weren't supposed to find out." She said quietly.

"Well I did." Bellamy said, his voice turning from anger to sadness in a matter of syllables.

"I need to do this, Bellamy. Our people, our future, it's a stake." Clarke explained, zipping her bag roughly.

"Your life is at stake." Bellamy insisted.

He grabbed Clarke's wrist, not with anger but with desperation.

"My life has been at stake since we landed on the ground." Clarke argued.

"Not like this- Clarke- you'll be alone.." Bellamy whispered.

"I was alone after Mount Weather- and I was alone for six years after Primefaya. Don't you dare imply that I can't handle this." Clarke spat, ripping her arm from his.

Why was he making this harder then it needed to be?

"Clarke- I wasn't- I just- I can't lose you again." Bellamy stuttered.

"Don't you want to make a truce with these people? Don't you want a life that isn't about war? A life where you can have a family? With E-Echo?" Clarke struggled on the other girl's name.

"Not if it costs your life." Bellamy said, his eyes were burrowing into Clarke.

She couldn't look at him too long.

If she did, she wouldn't be able to leave.

"Bellamy, just say goodbye and let me go." Clarke choked.

"You and I both know I'm never the one saying goodbye. It's always you. Always you leaving." Bellamy admitted.

"Bellamy that's not true." Clarke whimpered.

"It is. Mount Weather, Polis, even Primefaya." Bellamy argued. There were tears in his eyes.

Clarke pulled him into a hug instinctively.

Bellamy arms wrapped around Clarke tightly.

His lips pressed against her shoulder.

"It was to protect you. Always to protect you." Clarke admitted, clinging tighter to Bellamy.

"Everything I did. Leaving after Mount Weather, was to free you from the burden of what we did. And in Polis I was just thing to keep the truce. As for Primefaya, I knew that you would volunteer to go to the tower. So I did it. Because there's only one thing worse than dying and it's you dying." Clarke whispered.

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