Bellarke Modern AU- A Strange Request

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*Inspired by this awesome work on Ao3*
*Clarke Griffin (a busy art student with no time for friends) turns to a dating app looking for a male model*
*Trigger warning; mentions of abuse.*

Bellamy Blake sat in the sand on the beach, watching his little sister play in the waves. He couldn't help but smile as the light danced across the water, illuminating the smile on her face.

She loved it here, it had been their mother's favorite place to bring them before she- well it had been her favorite place.

He would almost feel compelled to join her, if not for the fear of those around him seeing the scars on his back. The wounds that would never truly heal, inflicted by his stepfather. He sighed, looking at his phone for anything to distract himself.

He opened one of the dating apps that sat barely used on his phone, the ones that were reserved for lonely nights and late drunken texts.

He flicked through the people on his screen absentmindedly, each more boring to him than the last. It seemed that since he'd lost his girlfriend Gina, that no one thrilled him anymore. No matter how beautiful, or smart or funny they seemed to be, he could not compel himself to love them. Though he tried.

He stopped scrolling however when he came across an unusual profile.

Clarke Griffin- 22- 3 miles from you
Hi there, I know you're probably expecting some cheesy pick up line, or a picture of my dog- but I'm not on here looking for love or whatever. I'm in art school and I need someone to model for me. Male presenting, at least 18 and no- this is not some elaborate scheme to get guys if I see one more penis on here I swear-

Bellamy couldn't help but laugh at the profile. He couldn't imagine what this poor girl had gone through, what she had seen on this app. Before he could think too much about it he swiped right, he'd probably never hear from her, but at least he would be one less creep in her inbox.

His phone buzzed right away. A match. He had a message from Clarke Griffin.

C- Please be normal ://

Bellamy chuckled.

B- I'll try my best.

C- Well then you're already ahead of the curb.

B- So you're really looking for someone to model for you? Not looking to harvest my organs or anything right?

C- Wow... how the tables have turned, usually it's me who has to be afraid, not the other way around.

B- I'm not hearing a no...

C- No, I am not looking to harvest your organs. I have to make a sculpture for class, I'll just take some sketches of you and do the rest on my own. It'll be a few hours but I promise you can have all the beer and pizza you want.

B- Beer and pizza... I see you read my profile.

C- Well I had to make sure you weren't a murderer.

B- What are the chances that we're both murderers?

C- Slim. So do we have a deal? I'll give you my number and send you more details?

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