Bellarke AU- the hunger games part 4

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*here we go againnn*

Clarke stared at the note.

She knew instantly what she had to do.

If she wanted medicine for Bellamy she needed to sell the star crossed lovers from district 12.

It was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

She had never kissed anyone before, but for the boy who had saved her life almost 5 years ago... she would do just about anything.

Clarke moved back inside the cave, covering the entry as much as she could.

Bellamy heard her light footsteps echo through the cave.

"Medicine?" He croaked upon seeing the metal container in her hands.

"No. Soup." Clarke said ashamedly.

She sat down next to Bellamy, running one hand through his curly brown hair.

She was astonished that it still felt soft, despite being drenched in mud only hours earlier.

Bellamy watched Clarke longingly as she opened the container, grabbed the metal spoon, and placed it in the soup.

She held it up to him with shaky hands.

"No no Clarke. It's your parachute." He insisted.

He was sitting against the rock wall and stones were digging against his back.

He ignored them.

"You need to eat." She whispered, holding the spoon out to him again.

He blew on it once softly, before sipping the broth.

The liquid felt like gold in his throat.

He coughed, realising how long it had been since he'd eaten.

"That's good." He sighed, shutting his eyes.

He was exhausted.

Clarke put down the soup, looking critically at him.

She placed her hand against his forehead.

"You're burning up." She whispered.

Bellamy moved to lie down.

The room spun.

"I remember the first time I saw you." He whimpered.

"Shhh." Clarke was stroking his head

"We were in the assembly hall, and the teacher said 'who knows the valley song' and your hand shot straight up. You were in a red dress and your hair was in two braids instead of one. After that I watched you walk home from school everyday." He choked.

Clarke certainly didn't remember that.

Maybe this was all for show.

But she remembered now the red dress her dad has bought for her. The only gift she'd ever received.

She choked back tears.

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