Bellarke modern au- On the dancefloor

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*fully inspired by the new season 6 trailer*
*Drinking to forget never looked so good*

The familiar taste of tequila assaulted Clarke Griffin senses.

The taste was followed immediately by that of lime.

Clarke could hear her friends screaming in her ears, excited for the night to unfold.

Clarke honestly could think of nothing worse.

She had just broken up with her girlfriend Lexa, who she thought loved her, who she had been with for 3 years. Partying was the last thing Clarke felt like doing.

If she was honest, she was just here to drink, drink and forget Lexa, forget the pain in her chest every time she thought about her.

"Cheer up Griffin." Clarke's best friend Raven, patted her gently on the back.

"There are plenty of fish in the sea." She whispered, she was already slurring her words.

Clarke poured herself another shot and downed it. She needed to catch up.

"Our Uber's here!" Harper screamed from the front door.

Before Clarke could speak she was lead into the back of an Uber.

She could feel the effects of the alcohol now.

Her skin was hot and her mind felt like honey.

She smiled for a picture with the girls.

She needed to prove to Lexa and to herself that she could be happy in her own.

They were there then, and they joined the huge line of people waiting outside the club.

Clarke tugged nervously at her tight, navy dress.

She never wore anything like this; she had had to borrow it from Harper.

As they approached the door, Clarke noticed a few groups up at a boy staring at her.

He was tall, with dark curly hair.

The boy smiled at her.

He looked the same age as Clarke, who was badly twenty.

She smiled back, immediately tuning to her friends to tell them about the boy.

Moments later she was tapped softly on the shoulder.

A bouncer stood in front of her.

"Excuse me miss..." the bouncer began.

Clarke became worried that she was too drunk to enter the club.

Those worries were immediately put to rest tho when the man spoke again.

"The man at the front of the line has asked me to invite you and your friends to enter the club with him." He said, his voice formal.

Clarke looked to Raven and Harper for support.

They nodded vigorously.

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