Bellarke modern au- brave

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*video by KeepHopeAlive on youtube*
*shout out to MeganDare for this chapter inspo*
*Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin are childhood sweethearts, but when Clarke falls pregnant with Bellamy's child; can he handle the responsibility*
*trigger warning: potentially controversial views on abortion*

"I'm pregnant."

The words fell out of Clarke's mouth and onto the floor like broken glass.

She was sitting, her head in her hands on the left side of her double bed.

Bellamy Blake knelt before her. Demanding that she tell him why his princess was so damn sad.

He hadn't expected the answer.

Never in his wildest dreams had he expected the answer.

They had been so careful.

Clarke began to cry then, and Bellamy pulled her desperately into his arms.

They had been together almost 5 years despite only being 17.

As soon as Bellamy knew what love was he knew he felt it for Clarke.

They had grown up together.

Two peas in a pod, always determined to beat each other.

Bellamy remembered their first kiss.

A swing set in his back yard.

He could hear his mother inside the house, she was crying, her new boyfriend screaming at her.

"Distract me." Bellamy has pleaded Clarke, who was watching him carefully, always checking to see if he was okay.

Clarke leaned forward then, pressing her lips to his gently.

Since that day he had never kissed anyone else.

"What are we going to do?" Bellamy whispered, resting his head on Clarke's chest.

The girl pulled away from him, standing and crossing her hands across her chest.

"We're getting rid of it." She said, trying to be as cold as possible.

She knew it was the right choice. She'd always been pro-choice. But part of Clarke desperately wanted to keep the thing.

Bellamy looked as if he'd been slapped.

"Clarke- Clarke that's our kid." He said, his voice shaking.

"I've only been pregnant 6 weeks Bellamy. It's not a baby yet." Clarke reasoned. She knew this to be true.

Bellamy shook his head.

"But it could be." He rebutted.

"Yeah, and I could be a doctor. You could start your own auto-shop. We have lives, plans, Bellamy!"
Clarke could feel anger seeping in.

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