Season 6 AU- Clarke finds out Bellamy poisoned Octavia for her

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*back with the Season 6 AU's cus I'm obsessed*

*video by tabbleey on youtube*

Clarke Griffin looked around at the faces of those who emerged from cryo-sleep. 

It had taken the three of them days to awaken everyone that was asleep. 

Only two women remained asleep, Echo and Octavia. 

Bellamy stood at the end of the hall, near the pods. 

Clarke knew his turmoil, he had been free to hate Octavia, in his rest but not, with the new world. He would be forced to work with her. 

The boys hands were balled into fists when Clarke approached him. 

"I can wake Octavia." Clarke voice rang in Bellamy's ears. 

If he was honest, all of this felt like a dream, something to wake up from, not up to. 

When it had been just him and Clarke- that was definitely a dream, an unrealized one that haunted his nightmares for over 100 years. 

He had dreamt of being with her, finally allowing himself to feel for her what he had felt for 6 years. 

He had missed her everyday. 

Anything would remind him of Clarke. 

Especially Echo. 

As much as Clarke would hate to admit it the pair were alike. 

Both head strong, smart, brave, and beautiful. 

But where Echo fell was her lack of compassion, of empathy for anyone but herself and Bellamy. 

She loved him, so she protected him, but he knew she wasn't inclined to protect anyone she didn't care for. 

Clarke however, would give her life for a stranger. She would lay down her life for any one of the people on this ship. 

That is where Clarke excelled. 

The girl looked at him expectantly, awaiting an answer to her question. 

"Or you can?" Clarke said worriedly. 

She turned to leave him in his trance but he caught her hand. 

"Please." He said softly, his voice broken. 

"Tell her I was busy meeting with the other leaders." He said weakly. 

"She'll ask why I'm not their, or her for that matter. You don't need an excuse Bellamy. She knows what she did was wrong. She knows you need time." Clarke sympathized. 

Something else Echo couldn't do. 

'It's time to move on Bellamy! You can't keep doing this everyday, it's killing you!' 

Bellamy heard Echo's voice in his mind, a memory almost 2 centuries old. 

She had been berating him for radioing Clarke, radioing the place from which they'd launched their ship in the desperate hope that Clarke survived. 

He had done it almost everyday for 3 years. 

He had only stopped when Echo had told him too. 

'It's me or that radio!' 

He'd chosen her. Only because Clarke had been dead. 

But now he stood before her. Alive. 

"Okay." He whimpered. 

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