Bellarke Modern AU- Magic

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*my take on this recommendation by MeganDare *
*Bellamy and Clarke are sworn enemies... or are they?*
*how I "sorted" Bellamy and Clarke; *


Clarke Griffin sat in the front of the class, her nose in her potions book. She was determined, as ever to rid herself and her cohort of the bad name that was automatically associated with Slytherins. She had almost cried when the sorting hat had proclaimed that she was a slytherin. Her mother had, claiming that she never met a slytherin she liked.

It was  a tough blow to say the least.

Bellamy Blake looked up at the board. He had drifted off what felt like minutes ago, but now as he viewed the professors barely legible handwriting he knew he had been mistaken.

He didn't have time for this class. He was a seeker  for crying out loud. Didn't he get any special privileges?

He noticed Clarke Griffin, with her hand raised, asking about the longevity of a love potion.

Of course she would. He thought bitterly.

Clarke was a classic Slytherin, demanding, self centered, jealous of both Bellamy and any other Gryffindor who condemned her.

It was a fact that she, and her house were full of liars and manipulators.

During first year Clarke and her friend Raven had illegally concocted a love potion, and fed it to Bellamy in the way of a Sherbet Lemon. For the next two weeks (while the relatively weak potion remained in his system) Bellamy followed the pair round like a puppy, performing any deed they desired in an attempt to court them.

He still shuttered when he thought about it.

How that girl had coerced a sweet Ravenclaw like Raven to do her bidding Bellamy would never know.

"For this assignment," The Professor spoke quickly.

"You will need to be in pairs." He explained.

Bellamy flicked his head around excitedly, eyeing his best friend Monty.

Monty was a genius, and passing the assignment with him would be a breeze.

"The pairs are as follows;" Bellamy's heart sunk at his words.

"Nathan and Monty."

"Raven and Harper."

"John and Echo."

"Jasper and Emori."

"And," Bellamy knew what he was going to say before he opened his mouth. He flinched.

"Bellamy and Clarke."

He heard Clarke make a disgruntled noise from the front of the classroom.

"Sir if it's okay I would prefer to work alone?" She asked, her voice pleading.

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