Bellarke Modern AU- Hard pass

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*A delayed flight leads to a chance encounter*

Clarke Griffin placed the tray filled with her belongings on the conveyor belt with a heavy sigh. When she had decided to become a nurse she hadn't considered that half of her free time would be spent getting up at unconceivable hours to fly to towns she didn't even know the name of for medical conventions.

After making it through security Clarke moved into the airport.

It was 4am and the giant glass windows showed a barely illuminated sky.

Clarke, in desperate need of caffeine, ventured to the coffee cart, ordering the largest beverage she could and watching the sun rise.

She was sitting in front of her gate, coffee clutched between her hands when an alert chimed over the speakers.

"Flight 403 will be delayed, please be advised."

Clarke looked down at her ticket, hoping against hope that her flight number had miraculously changed. It hadn't.

She sighed heavily. Who knew how long she would be here now. Not much to do, very few people to look at.

Clarke watched absentmindedly as a young man walked past her wearing a full suit. Her sweatpants and ugg boots suddenly seemed inferior.

She found it funny that the rules of time didn't seem to apply within airports. There was no dress code, no meal time, everyone just did what they wanted when they wanted to.

Clarke had decided if they laws of the universe didn't apply, she wanted a drink.

She had always been a nervous flyer, something about a giant metal tube hurtling through the sky made her feel uneasy. She hoped this would help.

As she waited for her drink Clarke's hand wandered to her phone. As much as she hated to admit it, she had trouble putting it down.

She pulled the phone from her pocket, opening one of the dating apps she used to fill her lonely nights. She only had so much time as a nursing student, and now she was a practicing nurse that hadn't changed.

Clarke swiped absentmindedly through the men and the women on her screen before stopping. She had to laugh at the man on the screen; 'Bellamy, 26 years young'. Of course he was gorgeous, all curly brown hair and deep brown eyes, tall slender but muscular. If she was honest it was hard not to look at his muscles, what with his first picture being of him shirtless by a lake. Knowing all of the red flags and the likelihood that he would be intolerable, Clarke swiped no to the next.

"Ooh hard pass on that one huh?" A male voice chimed form behind her.

Clarke gasped, turning around to investiagte the owner of the voice.

The man she had seen before in his full suit stood in front of her. It was Bellamy.

Clarke couldn't help but blush.

"Oh uh I..." she couldn't seem to get the words out. I didn't help that such a handsome dude was staring her down, waiting for her to explain herself.

"Just not your type?" He finished for her.

"Was it the shirtless pic or the bio?" He laughed, sitting down next to her.

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