The Tutor- Part 2

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*Clarke learns that there is always more than meets the eye*
*Trigger warning: abuse*

Clarke moved slowly toward the imposing house on the corner of the street. She hated coming here, hated being greeted by that man- Bellamy's step father. She could tell there was something not right about him. She could feel it in her gut.

But she needed this- the money. He mom had just gotten laid off, she hadn't been showing up to work. Instead she'd stand around the house all day like the ghost of her former self.

Clarke had watched, complacent, as the bills and final notices piled high on the table beside the door- but she couldn't do that anymore.

She'd been coming here for over a week now, everyday and it had been anything but productive. Nonetheless Bellamy's stepdad had handed her a 50 every afternoon and told her to keep the change.

She needed this.

Clarke walked up the front steps, tapping the door knocker against the wood gently.

There was a moment before the door opened where she considered running in the other direction. But her feet stayed firmly affixed to the floor.

"I got it!" She heard Bellamy shout, the door swinging open quickly.

The boy stood before her, shirtless, his swim trunks dripping water onto the marble floors.

He towelled his hair dry.

"Griffin." He regarded her with a sly smile.

"You came back. Didn't think you would."

"Well your dad makes it kinda hard to refuse."

The smile dropped from his face.

"That man is not my father." He said with a sudden intensity that made the hairs on Clarke's arms stand up.

"I'm sorry- I didn't mean-uh should I just go?"

"Now why would you do that?" Brad's imposing voice filled the air.

He clapped Bellamy on the shoulder. Hard.

"You just got here." He smiled at Clarke.

Clarke looked at Bellamy, who's eyes were fixed on the ground.

"Of course, Mr. Dolion." Trying to keep her voice calm.

"We were just joking around."

"You don't get paid to joke." He said seriously, before chuckling like he'd made a joke.

"Best take her up to your room, Bellamy. I'm having guests and I don't want to here from you or your sister for the rest of the night." With that he turned on his heels and exited the room.

"I'm sorry I was uh- I didn't know you were coming- every night. You surprised me." Bellamy tried to apologise, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

He turned then, moving toward the stairs. As he walked, Clarke noticed the circular scars that littered his back.

Clarke had to stop herself from crying out. She felt like she couldn't move.

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