5x13 AU- Bellamy waits for Clarke

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*rolls are reversed and Bellamy is yet again forced to wait for Clarke*
*video by ful.FILM.ent*

"Get Kane onto the ship! I'm right behind you! Bellamy screamed.

The chaos of the war, and the end of the world was weighing on him.

His chest was in flames as he searched the crowd for her.

"Where's Clarke?" Bellamy ran forward, demanding an answer from Harper.

"She's coming! She has to be!" Harper replied, her voice dripping with exhaustion.

Bellamy let her go, let her take the wounded indoors.

Once the wounded had been piled in, it became apparent that Clarke was not among them.

She was no where to be found.

The grounds, wet and muddy now were free of her.

She was missing.

Again Bellamy was met with a dilemma that had plagued both him and Clarke for years.

Sacrificing the few to save the many.

Clarke knew it well.

It was why she stayed behind during Primefaya, it's why she killed Finn, and it's why she pulled the lever in amount Weather.

She knew her people's lives, the many lives, outweighed the few.

But Bellamy remembered her now. Young Clarke.

Her long honey hair tied haphazardly behind her head, her green eyes filled with fury.

His hand on the dropship door.

'The radiation could kill us!'

'If that's true then we're already dead'

He wanted to smile at the memory.

From that moment he knew that Clarke would either be his greatest enemy or his best friend.

He'd been wrong.

Clarke wasn't either.

She was his weakness.

That's why he'd run through the forest with a bullet in his leg.

It's why he stormed Polis with weapons, leaving Gina defenceless.


He felt a twinge in his scarred heart.

She was so much like Clarke.

Funny, stubborn, selfless and beautiful.

He missed her everyday.

He knew it was his love for Clarke that had killed her.

It was his cross alone to bare.

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