Bellarke Modern AU- Foster kids

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*Video by Delena Fan girl again because I am LIVING for these edits*
*After Clarke's mom dies she is thrown into foster care, lucky for her Bellamy Blake is there to catch her*
*Trigger warning: fictional depictions of death and war*

Clarke stared out the window, watching the cities signs pass her by.

How could they still be driving?

How far were they taking her?

Were they tryna ruin her life?

But then again, how could you ruin something that was already destroyed.

Clarke remembered it now.

She was called out of class early on Monday morning.

The sinking feeling in her gut was impossible to ignore.

There was no way she was in trouble. She'd been a model student since her and her mother transferred here almost 6 months ago, just before her 17th birthday.

Clarke stood, feeling the shaking in her hands, and the weakness in her legs.

The school councillor met her in the hall, using a soft hand on the small of her back to guide her to the office.

She already knew.

The look on the councillors face was impossible to ignore.

It was the look the police officers gave her mother when they told her that her husband had been killed in a car accident.

It was the look every single family member gave her on the day of her dad's funeral.


"Just tell me!" The words burst out of Clarke's mouth before they even reached the door.

"Tell me, I can't take it." She was crying now.

"Clarke, I think it's best if you sit down for this." The councillor said, softly.

Clarke shook her head, reaching for the doorframe for support.

"She's- dead- isn't she." Clarke sobbed.

Her mother was a medic in the army. This meant that for years they had moved around, it also meant that Clarke got used to being alone.

"Yes, honey." The woman said honestly.

Despite knowing, nothing could prepare Clarke for the reality.

She slid to the ground, a grief filled scream escaping her.

"Clarke?" A voice brought Clarke back from her memories.

Clarke wiped her eyes embarrassedly.

"Sorry." Clarke apologised to the social worker who was driving her.

"That's okay, sweetheart. We're here." The woman said quietly.

Clarke remembered being told her name, but she couldn't for the life of her recall it.

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