Modern AU- I'm obsessed with enemies to lovers and no I will not apologise

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*Recommendation by the lovely Hungergamestribute05 *
*Bellamy is as headstrong as Clarke is stubborn. Watch these idiots fall in love no matter what universe*

Clarke Griffin stared intently at the page in front of her, desperate to make the words make sense.

She'd been studying so long she was beginning to feel like her Professor was making things up to trick her.

"Studying again, why am I not surprised?" Her roommate Octavia, drawled sarcastically.

The semester had only just started. She couldn't understand how Clarke always had something she needed to learn.

"Well we are at a University. Maybe you should try it some time?" Clarke shot back, turning her head to smile at Octavia.

Their friendship was new, but they seemed to understand one another's humour.

"Look, Griffin, we all know studying is for the night before. Or for convincing cute guys to hang out." She teased.

"Maybe for you. First year is easy." Clarke rebuked.

"You're just saying that because you've done it already."

Octavia moved, placing her arms on the back of Clarke's chair, spinning her around.

"Come out with us tonight." She asked, though it didn't really sound like a question.

"O, I can't." She sighed heavily.

"Yes. You. Can." She spun the girl in dizzying circles.

Despite herself Clarke was laughing.

"Fine, fine! If you stop, and let me study for just a few more hours, I'll go."

Octavia sighed deeply.

"Boring but fine. I'll see you in a few hours."


Clarke finally gave up on her studies when the music blasting from the bathroom began to shake the walls.

"Octavia!" She called, moving down the hall.

"Octavia, it's too loud."

As she moved in to the bathroom, Octavia grabbed her by the arm.

"Gotcha!" She laughed.

"Knew that was the only way I was gunna get you in here. So predictable."

"What do you want, O?" Clarke tried to keep the smile from her face. She had always been an only child, but Octavia was beginning to feel like a sister.

"What're you gunna wear?"

"Uh, this?"

Octavia looked at the other girl incredulously. She was wearing a black tank top and jeans.

"We're going to a party in my brother's dorm- that means hot older guys. You need to bring it."

"Look, Octavia I haven't "brought it" in years. I wouldn't even know how." She sighed.

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