Bellarke Modern AU- all my life

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*thanks to Hungergamestribute05 for the inspo for this one x*
*Love Rosie fans be in for a treat*
*trigger warning; drug and alcohol use*

Clarke Griffin ran a flat iron across the golden waves that usually encompassed her head. She would never normally put effort into her hair, she'd been too busy with school to be one of those girls who woke up at 4am to braid their hair. But she's always admired them and tonight she wanted to be like them.

High school, though it felt like it never would, had just ended and her senior class was getting together at John Murphy's house for a party.

Once Clarke had finished her hair she stood, quietly taking stock of herself in the mirror.

She'd always thought she'd look older when she left school. She expected to look like a woman, instead of a girl.

She pulled uncomfortably at the top that Raven had leant her. Sure it revealed the cleavage that she often kept hidden, but it also revealed her midriff and Clarke had to stop herself from yanking it downward to cover it.

"Look at you, Griffin." There was a voice in the doorway, rough and low. Bellamy Blake stood in the doorway, his large frame obscuring the view to the hall.

He leant against the wall lazily.

"I'm not in the mood for your jokes, Bell." She sighed heavily, pulling at the hem on her shirt, willing it to stretch to meet the hem of her low rise jeans.

"Good thing I'm not joking." He insisted, moving forward to grab her hands.

"Leave it." He told her gently, running his thumb across her hand.

"It looks hot."

Clarke as suddenly aware of Bellamy's arms around her, and the heat between their bodies.

"You're already drunk." She stated matter-of -factly.

"I've had a couple." He chuckled.  

"Well then," she moved his hands away from her, resigning herself to the reflection in the mirror. This was how she looked, like it or not.

"I better catch up."


Clarke hadn't been aware of how drunk she was until she was sitting in the back of a moving vehicle. The whole car was spinning, Clarke clinging desperately to her seatbelt to control it.

"You okay?" Bellamy's concerned voice was in her ear then.

They were both crammed in the back together next to Raven, who was singing excitedly to something that was playing on the radio.

"I'm tryna be." Clarke laughed, looking up at the boy next to her.

It hadn't been until now, that the thought of what was happening had hit her.

They were done with high school.

Soon, when college applications came in, they would be off to opposite sides of the country.

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