An actually happy ending

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*Clarke thought she was going to be alone forever, Bellamy couldn't let that happen again*

Clarke had travelled everywhere she could think of. The realisation of the curse that she had been left with filled her. She would be completely alone, just as she had after Praimfaya, but this time, it would be permanent.

The thought of it rushed over Clarke like a tidal wave as she stepped back onto Earth.

Earth, her home for such a short, yet meaningful time in her life.

She fell in love here, with the trees, the water, the way the sun reflected off of it.

She'd fallen in love in more ways than one. Finn, Lexa... Bellamy. It had taken her losing him, killing him, to truly admit that she had loved him.

Clarke thought that she deserved this, after ending the life of the man she loved, but as Picasso began to run from her she felt a sense of doom set in.

She took off through the forest after the dog, the only thing she had left of her daughter.

God she really had lost everything.

"Picasso!" Clarke's voice echoed off of the trees, amplifying her loneliness.

"Picasso!" The desperation in her voice almost distracted her as she moved out onto a beach.


She stopped short, admiring the planet she'd come to love.

She had to move on though. She had to find the dog. She couldn't remain completely alone. It would kill her.

"Picasso." There were tears in her eyes now.

"Please come back!" She cried.

"I don't want to be alone."

"I don't want to be alone." She repeated, dejected. During Praimfaya, before Madi, the only thing that had been keeping her alive was the hope of seeing her friends again, of seeing Bellamy again. Now she had none of that.

"You're not." A voice behind her spoke gently.

She turned to see Lexa then, her breath caught in her throat. That wasn't her Lexa.

"What do you want?" She bit.

"To explain." Lexa said, moving toward her.

"There's no need," Clarke's voice stunk of cynicism.

"I bare it so that they don't have to. Again."

"Such a curious species," Lexa began.

"You've added so much to us already. I'm glad to have been wrong about you."

"Wait," Clarke let herself hope for a moment.

"Does that mean you're here to take me with you?"

"No, you can never join us Clarke. Your actions must have a cost."

"Just mine?" Clarke's hope instantly turned to anger.

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