Bellarke modern AU- I thought I lost you

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*shout out to MeganDare for this one*
*Reminds me of Jane the Virgin 😉*

Clarke knelt at the foot of a grave.

It was still open, the shiny black coffin she'd picked out gleamed with the morning sun.

She shouldn't be here.

Clarke could remember it now, as if it was happening in front of her, as if it were a dream or an out of body experience.

She remembered to knock on the door. Oh so late at night. Too late.

"Did you forget your key?" She laughed, running to the door.

"Bell, stop playing!" She warned playfully as the knock resounded.

Bellamy always left his keys at home.

He a travel agent, gone for days and sometimes weeks at a time, but without fail he would always forget his key.

Clarke would have to rush home from her studio to let her idiot husband inside, and rush back to finish a piece that was due at the gallery.

It was a chaotic life but Clarke wouldn't have traded it for the world.

The girl smiled, pulling the door open, waiting to see the dumbfounded look on Bellamy's face.

That's not what she saw.

"Mrs. Blake?" The officer asked, his voice tense.

Clarke nodded.

She knew what they were going to say next. She'd seen the movie.

She'd seen the look in their eye.

"Is he?" She could barely get the words out.

"Mrs. Blake, your husband was in an accident on the way back from the airport. He didn't make it." The officer said, pity evident in his tone.

Clarke felt her heart fall from her chest and onto the floor.

Her knees gave way, and she fell, using the door frame to catch herself.

The officers picked her up and helped her inside.

She didn't say a word.

It was impossible.

Bellamy Blake was 27 years old.

He wasn't supposed to die.

They were supposed to have a whole life together, that's the promise they made when they got married.

They were supposed to get a puppy and have babies and grow old and gross together.

They were supposed to die in each other's arms when they were old and warm in their beds.

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