Bellarke 7x08 AU- "Please don't kill him"

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*Clarke refuses to help Cadogan, so Bill ups the stakes*

"Yes Calliope is in here." Clarke lied, feeling her heart beat out of her chest. If she was honest she felt like screaming, all of this work, up until this moment, just to find out that Bellamy was- she couldn't even think it. If she let herself accept that he was truly... gone, she would break sown.

"But that's not how it works." She wanted to give the man hope, then pull it away at the last second. She wanted him to feel what she felt. The loss of someone he loved.

"How does it work?" Cadogan begged, Clarke could see the hope in his eyes despite the gun pointed at him.

God what she wouldn't give to pull the trigger, end his life. Vengeance had never been Clarke's style but god did she want to hurt someone. She couldn't though, she had her friends to think about. If it was just her she would have killed everyone here, followed Bellamy into whatever came next, but she had to think about Raven, Miller, Niylah and Jordan. She needed to think about Octavia and Echo. Bellamy would have wanted her to save them.

"Tell me." Bill pressed. 

"Well you killed my best friend, so I'm not sure I want to help you." She seethed, letting the words sink in. Bellamy was gone. She wouldn't help Cadogan. She couldn't, not after what his people had done. She would rather die.

"I'll do anything." He conceded.

Clarke moved closer to the man then, pressing the butt of her gun to his skull.

"You should have thought about that, before you killed him." She hissed.

"Clarke." Raven's voice behind her was warning.

"His sister and the girlfriend- I'll release them." Bill wagered.

"It's not enough." Clarke was crying now, tears of anger and grief running down her face.

"Clarke." Raven's voice was more insistent now.

"Shut up!" Clarke shouted, losing it a little. She couldn't breathe, the thought that she would have to leave here without Bellamy, that for the rest of her life there would be a hole in her heart, something missing.

Cadogan raised his hands then, as if pleading innocence.

"I may have something. If you come alone, I'll make you a deal."

Clarke had no reason to trust him, but there was a glint in his eye, something that intrigued her.

"Okay." She agreed.

"Clarke no!" There was a string of objections.

"I need your word that my friends will be safe." She ignored their pleas.

"You have it. They will remain here with Gabriel until we're done."

"Gabriel," Clarke began, trying not to let her voice break.

"Open the doors."


Clarke was led then, down an ever winding series of halls. The walls felt like they were caving in, every memory of Bellamy Blake she had pulling like string attached to her heart.

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