Bellarke Modern AU- One bed- Part 2

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*Clarke has to learn to trust again*

Clarke Griffin raised a weary hand up toward the beam of light poking through the drawn curtains. She cursed herself for not drawing them tighter, for not ensuring herself a good sleep. She thought back to the night prior, in her defence, she had been distracted.

'What're you doing?' She could hear Bellamy's low voice growling in her ear. Feel his hands on her waist, tugging at the hem of her shirt desperately.

'I'm trying to-' She was cut off by his lips, warm against hers. She laughed against him.

'I'm trying to close the-' Again she was lost for words, drinking in the feeling of his lips on hers.

'The window.' She gasped out.

'Tryna keep the people in the tower across from us from getting a free peep show.'

'Leave it.' Bellamy's voice was low, desperate. He turned her body toward him, drawing his lips so close to hers that she could feel him shaking.

'Let them look.' He kissed her then, pressing her against the wall. Clarke could feel the cold glass on the small of her back, but she couldn't make herself care as his hands roamed her body.

Clarke sat up with a start, drawing the sheets nearer to cover her bare chest.

She looked down at the man sleeping next to her. Bellamy Blake -a man she thought she hated- lay happily by her side, blissfully unaware of the panic she had thrown herself into.

"No." She cursed herself in a whisper.

Shaking her head, Clarke withdrew from the bed, holding the sheet close as if it were a life preserver.

She checked the time on the alarm clock.

5:45 am

Bellamy wouldn't be awake for a few hours, giving her time enough to escape this nightmare.

Clarke moved into the bathroom, not daring to shower incase she woke him.

She pulled her hair into a messy bun, throwing her pantsuit over her pyjamas. She would change properly as soon as she was out of here. For now she needed to get out.

That's all she wanted to do.


Bellamy Blake ran his hand along the king sized bed, only opening his eyes when his search came up empty.

"Clarke?" He called into the empty hotel room.

He sat up, looking into the bathroom, Clarke was nowhere to be found.

He looked at the clock. It was just past 6. She didn't have a panel until 10. Where could she have gone?

He opened his phone to message her, only to realise he didn't have her number.

"Right," he grumbled, throwing himself back into the bed.

"She hates me."

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