Season 5- how the Bellarke reunion should have gone

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*I'd like to preface by saying that I don't think of Bellamy Blake as a cheater. If he was gunna make a move on Clarke he would probably break up with Echo  first... but for the purpose of this story he is... sorry :/ *

Bellamy could feel the adrenaline pulsing through his veins.

He had done it. He had saved Clarke Griffin.

For once, it had been him who saved her, and not the other way around.

Sure it was a huge sacrifice. Over 200 lives for one. But Clarke was worth it.

He hadn't seen her yet, since he'd found out she was alive and he ached to hold her.

He thought back to six years earlier, the feeling of her in his arms.

He should have told her he loved her then.

He should have stayed behind, or gone out there himself.

He should have known she was still alive.

But part of him never really moved on, even with Echo.

Maybe he had known, in his heart this whole time that she was alive.

Maybe some intergalactic force was desperate for them to be together.

Because it seemed, no matter how many times they fought, or were on opposing sides, or almost died they always came back for each other.

They protected each other.

It was what they did.

The door was unlocked and Bellamy stepped inside.

He had dreamt of this moment a thousand times on the Ark but now it was actually happening.

He would get to hold Clarke. His Clarke in his arms again.

He had loved her so much, and coming back he thought his love has lessened, but as he saw her, lying on the bench he knew that wasn't true.

Clarke Griffin turned over slightly when she heard the door buzz.

She'd hoped against hope that it was Bellamy.

He had saved her life.

Swooped down like a night in shining armour from the sky and literally vanquished the dragon.

She doubted it was him.

There was no way that he would give up that much leverage for her.

Or would he?

Clarke loved Bellamy.

She had since she saw that rocket launch.

She had everyday for 2199 days.

She had hated him, for leaving, but she knew he had to.

She had told him to!

For once he had listened to her.

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