Season 6 AU- "I'm so sorry Bellamy"

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*Bellamy and Clarke FINALLY talk about the radio calls and the fighting pit*
*shout out to TrudyRamey for the inspo*

Clarke sat and watched as the rest of her civilisation was awoken from cryo.

She knew that this might very well be all that was left of humanity.

Part of her though, longed for a new race of people.

She had lost so many friends over the last year, so many people she thought she'd ever see again hated her.

Clarke had to remind herself that it wasn't last year. It was over 100 years ago.

If it weren't for cryo she and everyone she cared about would have been long dead.

Clarke was conflicted about that. On one hand she was thankful for the ability to start over, and on the other, she grieved Earth.

She grieved the life she might have had their with Bellamy and Skykru.

Let's be honest. She grieved the life she could have had with Bellamy.

Things were still tense between them, despite the moment they shared on the deck, when they'd found out they had to say goodbye to Monty and Harper forever, as well as the Earth they had known forever.

Clarke remembered now, in the moments after they had said "may we meet again".

Bellamy had pulled Clarke close to him.

Clarke was surprised. She knew he had said that he forgave her for the fighting pit, but she didn't think he actually would

Bellamy had a way of pushing things down, and though Clarke could normally read him like a book; now he was allusive to her.

Clarke pulled Bellamy toward her then, and into a tight hug.

"We'll be okay." She assured him, stroking the back of his neck with her hand.

"Together?" Bellamy had asked, drawing away to look at Clarke with misty eyes.

Clarke nodded.


Clarke was shaken out of the memory and into a new one, though older than the last.

"Together?" Bellamy asked with glassy eyes.

His hand was atop hers, on the lever that would kill hundreds of people.

It was their only choice, but Clarke hated the pain and torment in Bellamy's eyes.

She had thought he loved her then.

There was no way that Bellamy Blake would make that sacrifice for just anyone.

Clarke knew how much of a monster he felt already- and the fact that he was willing to further that for Clarke.

Clarke shook her head, but another memory pushed its way to the surface.

"I'm not going in." She whispered, watching as the people they just saved poured back into Arcadia.

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