Bellarke modern AU- trapped in an elevator

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*video by scene packs on YouTube*
*We all love a bad boy Bellamy trope*

Clarke Griffin stood patiently at the back of the elevator.

It was a long ride down from the penthouse in her apartment building.

Who was she kidding, it was incredible.

Clarke was only 25 years old and the head of her own company.

She was a sustainability consultant for big businesses. She taught them how to lessen their environmental footprint and they paid her the big bucks.

Clarke looked at the time. 4:45 am, just because she was successful didn't mean she could stop working as hard as she did.

Just because she had a great team of people working for her, didn't mean that she didn't have to put in the hard yards herself.

She sighed as the elevator slowed to a halt.

Who in gods green Earth was in the elevator at this time?

She had lived here for over 6 months and she did this everyday, never had anyone interrupted her descent.

The doors opened to reveal a boy, a few years older than her, shirtless, and in boxers, using his sneakers to cover himself.

He ran into the elevator, desperately pressing the basement button, and trying hastily to press the door closed.

Clarke couldn't help but laugh aloud.

The boy turned to her.

He had a mess of chocolate brown curls on his head, and dark eyes to match, he was easy on the eyes, and the side smirk that he presented her with made her feel warm.

A blush formed on his cheeks.

"Didn't think anyone would be in here." He chuckled.

"Neither did I." Clarke retorted.

The boy looked at her.

The girl wore a suit, dark blue, with no under shirt. The buttons just concealed a lacy bra.

She was beautiful, short cropped blonde hair and pretty green eyes.

She smiled, uneasily at him.

"Do you live here?" The girl asked him as the lift began to move.

Bellamy laughed, nervously.

"I was here with a... friend, and we were having a... sleepover, but this friend- forgot to mention that her boyfriend was on a early flight and was meeting her at home. So she kicked me out." He said, as if it were something that happened all the time.

Clarke couldn't remember the last time she'd been with a girl, or anyone really. After her high school sweetheart Lexa died in a shooting, she had thrown herself into work, and hadn't really thought about anyone else.

The thought brought tears to her eyes then.

Bellamy noticed this, and decided to change the subject.

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