Bellarke 7x11 AU- Did I love you?

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*Based on this very distressing "totally real" spoiler*
*Bellamy makes it to Bardo, but his memory is lost*

It had been months. Maybe it had been years. Time seemed to pass for Bellamy like a river, slow moving in some parts then rushing in others.

He remembered his first night here. The cold, the hunger, the inexplicable loss of his memory.

All he knew is that he had been in danger. He felt the panic still in his chest. He also felt a yearning, a need to get back to where he came from.

He remembered a green light, disappearing behind him as he landed on the soft snow. He knew he needed to get back to that light, back to someone that he cared for.

Bellamy had searched, for what felt like forever and now he stood in front of that glowing green light, ready to go home.

"I'm coming home." He croaked, his voice an old record that hadn't been played in years.

"I'm coming home."


Clarke ran frantically down the halls of the Bardo compound. Behind her she could hear Octavia dragging Hope while she wailed loudly.

"You need to shut up." She heard Echo hiss.

The words struck a cord with Clarke. She knew exactly what Hope was going through. She too had been responsible for her mother's death.

She couldn't help but remember Bellamy then, comforting her, holding her. She wondered how a man like that could find home with a woman like Echo.

They turned the corner, if they were fast they could make it out of Bardo before anyone realised what they had done.

They approached the door then, Clarke slowing down in her relief.

"Gabriel, let us in!" She called, as the group assembled behind her.

The doors opened then, and they all poured in.

"Shut the doors!" Raven called.

Once the doors were shut behind them Clarke was able to breathe, but only for a moment as she realised Cadogan's absence.

"Where's Cadogan?" She asked breathlessly.

"It doesn't matter, we have to get out of here." Miller's voice was impatient.

Clarke sighed.

"He's right, we have to go now."

"What?" The shock was evident in Gabriel's voice.

"Something... happened. We can't stay here." Clarke didn't have time to explain.

"Clarke, please I think you guys need to see this." Jordan piped up, he was standing in front of a screen , flicking through some kind of script Clarke didn't recognise.

"Jordan we have to..." Clarke's voice was interrupted by the whirling of the Anomaly, the bright green light illuminating the room.

"Get back!" Clarke heard Gabriel call over the noise.

Clarke's mind raced with the possibilities of who it could be.

Who even knew they were here?

As the bright green light lessened, Clarke noticed the figure of a man standing before her.

He was tall, with unkept hair and a long beard. It took a moment for Clarke to recognise who it was.

Her heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest.

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