Bellamy Blake stays behind- two nightbloods are better than one

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*another one inspired by ful.FILM.ent cus damn*

"NO CLARKE YOU'RE NOT GOING OUT THERE!" Bellamy shouted, panic engulfing him.

"Bellamy I have to, if we're going to get to space." Clarke whispered, she was touching his arm softly, trying to convince him that this was the best option.

"Clarke..." Bellamy breathed, "You.... can't." He whimpered.

"Bellamy I have to." Clarke said firmly. She pulled the boy into a tight hug.

He wrapped his arms around her, grasping her tightly.

He couldn't lose her.

He couldn't bare to send her out there knowing too well she might not return.

"Let me come with you." He begged.

Clarke pulled away to look at the boy.

She couldn't believe he was serious.

His eyes were glistening, saying a million things Clarke wanted to hear.

"Why would you do that?" She whispered, staring at him desperately.

Bellamy looked at the girl.

How could he explain that he loved her?

That everything he did these days was because of her.

His first thought in the morning was her and his last was too.

How could he explain that she was everything and more to him?

That if she left... if she died... he die too.

"I love you, Clarke." Bellamy whispered suddenly.

"I love you too." Clarke said without thought. She knew they loved each other.

"No Clarke..." Bellamy laughed.

"I'm in love with you." He clarified.

Clarke touched the side of his face, her mouth hung open in shock.

"I need you Clarke. You taught me that just because someone does something bad doesn't mean they're a bad person. You gave me a second chance. You helped me grow into the man I am." He whispered, a single tear fell down his face.

Clarke wiped it away with her thumb, kissing his cheek once softly.

"Clarke let me go with you." He begged.

Clarke smiled.

"I can't let you do that." She stated firmly.

"Why?" Bellamy whimpered.

"Because I love you too." She admitted.

"You taught me to be vulnerable, but strong. You showed me that someone can be powerful but still be caring. Love isn't weakness, it's strength, and you taught me that." She explained.

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