Bellarke season 1 AU- Forgiveable- Part 2

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*above is a bellarker much more talented than I, @targsdaenerys on tumblr*
*Bellamy knows who got Clarke's dad arrested, but he can't bring himself to tell her*

"Finn?" The word rung in Bellamy's ears like the sound of a gun.

Finn Collins stood before them both.

He watched as Clarke pulled Finn into her arms, gripping him tightly. As hard as he tried, he couldn't ignore the stirring in his chest.

"What are you doing here?" Bellamy's voice came out weaker than expected. He cursed himself inwardly.

"As soon as I found out Clarke was being sent to the ground, I got myself arrested." He explained, looking down at the girl.

"I can't believe you did that." Clarke exclaimed, pulling the boy back to her.

Bellamy couldn't watch any longer, he couldn't watch Finn be the hero once again.

"Alright then," he said loudly, clearing his throat.

"Let's open that door."


Bellamy looked out upon the party that had erupted around him, of course the first thing a group of teenage delinquents wanted to do was party.

There had been bottles of moonshine stowed away on the ship, probably by blackmarket sellers who assumed it would never be used, and now it was in the hands of the 100.

Bellamy had started a fire for the group, hoping it would stop them from freezing to death, but as he watched them jump over it for entertainment, he felt as though he'd made a mistake.

He looked to the other side of the fire, Clarke Griffin sat on a log next to Finn, her green eyes illuminated by the flames.

"You're staring." A voice startled him.

"Octavia." He breathed with relief as the girl exited the dropship.

"And I'm not staring." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Are too. Have been all night."

"O." He said, his tone warning.

"O." Octavia mocked.

"Whatever you're just jealous of Finn." She rebutted.

Bellamy had yet to take his eyes off of Clarke. He watched Finn stand, kissing Clarke lazily before moving off into the forest

"Why would I be jealous of that loser?" He grunted.

Octavia sighed. A sigh she reserved for the times when her brother was being completely dense.

She'd grown up with him, and only him until he'd introduced her to Clarke. She knew the way he looked at her, the way her corny jokes always made him laugh, the way the thought of seeing her in the cafeteria made him want to get up in the morning.

"Because he has something you want."

Bellamy turned to her like she'd just slapped him in the face.

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