come back to me

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* In Ye Who Enter Here, Bellamy arrives at Polis and finds Clarke there. He begs her to come back to Arkadia with him but she refuses so he leaves without her.

What if Clarke hadn't refused to leave? *

Bellamy Blake stormed Polis. He didn't care if they killed him. Clarke was in danger, and Bellamy was stupidly protective of Clarke.

He had left Gina behind. He couldn't have the two together.

They were seperate beings in his mind.

He couldn't love both of them. Which he knew, but he thought Clarke was gone for good, and now that she was back, he was having trouble letting go of Gina.

It might have been because Gina was there for him when Clarke wasn't, or the fact that Clarke was completely infatuated by Lexa.

It could be that no matter their feelings for each other Clarke and Bellamy were the Kings of bad timing.

Each of them catching feelings for the other while the other was otherwise engaged.

Bellamy shoved open the doors, storming inside.

People gasped and moved away in horror.

"Bellamy!" He heard Clarke exclaim .

He treasured the sound of his name on her lips and the realisation that she was okay.

She was okay.

She was safe.

She was here.

Bellamy had a gun to a mans head.

He was leaving here with Clarke if it killed him.

"What is the meaning of this?" The flamekeeper gasped.

"The summit's a trap!" Bellamy grunted, shoving the man in his arms forward.

He eyed Clarke.

"We need to get you out of here."

Clarke turned to Lexa.

"What the hell is going on?" She knew Bellamy wouldn't come here without a good reason. She had broken his heart by leaving.

If he were here for her it must be serious.

"I don't know." Lexa claimed, her voice rigid.

She knew to be wary of this man.

Clarke's one weakness.

"It's the ice nation." Bellamy explained, his voice insistent.

"These allegations are an outrage! The ice nation never stormed this summit with weapons. Breaking our laws! That was the sky crew!" The representative of ice nation defended.

"We're right about this," Pike interjected, "the two guards you left behind are dead already!"

"We need to go now!" He exclaimed.

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