Baby Blake (AU) - Part 1

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*awesome video by sunriseandsyrup on YouTube*
*months after moving to the new planet, Clarke finds herself pregnant*


Clarke stood inside of a convenient store. Yes, an actual store, like before the first bombs dropped.

The new planet, was just like the old one had been before the end of the world.

Clarke had been speechless upon entry. Skyscrapers, cars, houses, the streets were adorned with citizens with smiling faces and healthy glowing skin.

Part of her seethed with jealously, for the life she could have been living.

For the life she missed out on for almost 200 years.

But part of her was grateful, grateful for the peace treaty that she and Bellamy just signed two months earlier.

Her heart and her stomach wrenched; Bellamy.

His face was forced into her mind now. A vision, a memory of him, above her, his hands on her skin.

She shut her eyes quickly.

It couldn't be like that.

She remembered now the night of the treaty.

The new planet, just like the old, always found away to produce alcohol, and the co-leaders, now that they were safe were eager to try some.

Clarke remembered the taste on her tongue, the glint in Bellamy's eyes as he watched her throw the liquid back.

"Wow Princess, didn't think you had it in you." He had teased.

Clarke could already feel the moonshine in her veins.

"You have no idea what I have in me." She slurred.

The pair chuckled, longer than they should have.

"Guess I'll have to find out." Bellamy had flirted.

Clarke had tried to ignore the twinge in her chest. The hope that the thought of being with him brought. But he was with Echo, his beautiful, loyal girlfriend, who had dragged Bellamy back into the light.

Clarke squashed her hopes inwardly, but Bellamy had other ideas.

"You wanna check out my place?" He has said suddenly, eyeing her hungrily.

A flush found its way to Clarke's cheeks.

"Won't Echo be there?" She gulped.

"Echo's off helping the grounders acclimate. She won't be back for two days." He explained carefully.

Clarke grinned at him, allowing her conscience to sit in the back seat for a moment.

She took Bellamy by the hand.

"Lead the way."

Clarke scoffed aloud.

It was that night, that stupid mistake that lead her here.

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