Bellarke AU- the hunger games part 3

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*we back Cus ya girls depressed and writing is the earliest form of procrastination*
*part 3/ well who the hell knows*

Clarke couldn't stop thinking about Bellamy, even when she had been dragged from her bed, even when she was injected with a tracker, even as Cinna adorned her with the clothes she would die in.

She kept picturing his face. Soft tan skin, aloft with freckles, that crooked smile, those dark locks of hair.

She smiled suddenly, a soft sad smile. Something told her that if she wouldn't die here, if her Bellamy and her had never been reaped, something told her he was the one.

She shook her head to clear it.

It didn't matter who he was now, he was the enemy.

"You ready?" Cinna asked, his husky voice shattering her thoughts.

She nodded.

"I'm not allowed to bet, but if I could it'd be on you." He said softly, pulling the girl into a tight hug.

She clung to him.

The last man to hold her had been Finn.

She missed him now, his steady hands, his wit.

He had never been warm, but he was reliable, and she loved him like family.

A part of her would be with him always, even after she died.

The warning went off, forcing Clarke to step inside the pod that would launch her into the arena.

She took a deep breath; and exhaled.

She hurt all over with anticipation.

How long would she last?

An hour?

A day?

She dreaded the thought of spending more than a week in this god forsaken arena.

She closed her eyes as the pod lifted her upwards.

She guessed she was about to find out.


Bellamy Blake tried to picture Clarke.

The girl he had loved since they were children, in his mind as they were shot upwards into the arena.

He wanted to save her, even if it meant his life.

Clarke had done nothing wrong.

She was the innocent.

He was desperate to protect her.

Kane however had told him to run when the gong sounded.

High tail it into the woods, he'd said.

Find food or shelter or water, anything to keep you alive.

Worry about fighting when you're strong enough to fight.

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