Season 6 AU- I can't lose you

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*video by fulFILMent*

*the video may be unrelated but it was just too good*

*Clarke wants to explore the new planet, Bellamy had other ideas*

Bellamy Blake was sitting on the ground of the bridge.

He had his hand pressed up against the glass as he looked upon the new world.

He remembered now doing this, almost every night for six years.

He would walk out onto the bridge of the Ark, and sit upon the cool medal.

'Hey Clarke' Bellamy spoke softly, it had only been a week since Primefaya.

'I know it's only been a week. And we've spent a hell of a lot more time apart than that, but... God I miss you. I hope you're alive. A world without you in it is a world I don't wanna be a part of...' he stopped for a moment, his voice quavering.

'I love you'

Bellamy shook his head to clear it.

That was six years ago.

So many things had changed.

He was with Echo now.

Bellamy closed his eyes and was back on the Ark.

'Hey Clarke, it's been 3 years, 2 months and 2 days since Primefaya.'

There were tears in the boy's eyes.

'Echo kissed me today, and I kissed her back'

He wiped the tears from his eyes.

'How can I miss something I never had? How can I compare you to her when we were ever anything but friends?' He whimpered.

'Bell?' Echo's voice interrupted their conversation.

'Come back to bed baby it's 3 in the morning' she whispered, her voice seductive.

'I'll just be a minute' he smiled at her, it was forced.

Echo turned to leave and Bellamy turned back to the Earth.

'Clarke I need to know that you're alive. I can't keep holding on if you're... dead. It's killing me' he admitted.

He shut his eyes and let tears run down his cheeks.

'Goodnight Princess' he whispered, returning to Echo.

Bellamy blinked and suddenly it was year five on the Ark.

'Hey Clarke, it's been 5 years 6 months and 27 days since Primefaya' he said softly.

'You haven't made any contact with us, despite our time up here being up. Which means presumably that you're... you're de... which means you're gone.' He sobbed.

'Echo told me she loves me. And I'm going to tell her I love her back.' He whispered.

'I'm so sorry Princess. I'm- im so sorry I eft you there to die. I loved you so much I'm so so sorry!' He heaved.

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