Bellarke Modern AU- Friends with kids (part 1)

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*one night a drunken Bellamy and Clarke decide that they're going to have a child together 'platonically'****

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*one night a drunken Bellamy and Clarke decide that they're going to have a child together 'platonically'*

The doorbell rung forcing Bellamy Blake out of bed. His alarm clock read 2pm and the pounding in his head reminded him of the night before. He'd been out with some high class business men, taking them out on the town to impress. As the head of advertising at his company he knew it was his responsibility, he just wished hangovers didn't hurt so damn bad.

"Bellamy!" There was a girl's voice coming through the door. He winced.


The girl he'd been seeing. Gorgeous and... talented but so.damn.clingy.

He flung the door open, Echo was staring at him expectantly.

"Hey... babe." He croaked.

"Hey." It was clear she was angry, her arms folded in front of her tightly.

"What did I do?" Bellamy's voice was tired. If he was honest he couldn't make himself care about the girl's feelings.

"We were supposed to have lunch with my parents today." She told him.

Bellamy was silent.

"I called you like 20 times."

"Uh- I'm sorry. You know I had that big meeting last night- I didn't get home til late and must have slept through my alarm."

"As if you had an alarm." Echo scoffed.

"It was a weekend! Look- Echo. This has been fun, and you're a great girl- I'm just not looking for anything serious right now."

Echo laughed cruelly.

"Bellamy you're 30 years old. It's time you grew up." She bit, turning around and retreating down the hall.

Bellamy felt a something in his chest. Something maybe resembling anguish.

Echo was right. Even if she wasn't the girl for him, if he ever wanted the chance at the family he never had- he would need to find one soon.


The afternoon and night passed quickly, Bellamy stuck in a rut of self pity, it was the next morning when he got a message from his best friend.

Wanna split an uber to Monty and Harper's?
I'm gunna need more than a few glasses of wine to get through this thing

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