Season 6 AU: arrested (part 2)

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*Captain Cygnus on YouTube proving how pLAtoNiC Bellamy and Clarke are*
*y'all already know what's about to happen*
*trigger warning: violence*

Clarke heart was racing. The pulse thumping against her skin. A knife was still pressed to her neck, but despite that she smiled.

'Because I love her' the words rang in Bellamy's ears.

He had admitted it.

130 years of pining had spilled out of his mouth and onto the floor between them.

Clarke was beside herself.

He loved her, and she loved him too, and now they might never have a chance to be together.

"I love you too." She called to Bellamy, her eyes fixed on his.

If this was her last moment, she wanted Bellamy to know that she felt for him as he did for her.

Bellamy's heart split in two.

The girl he loved could die at any minute.

He couldn't lose her.

He wouldn't survive without her.

She was the reason he had survived this long at all.

The man chuckled loudly.

"How sweet." He cooed sarcastically, pressing the knife deeper.

Clarke gasped despite herself.

She wanted to be strong for Bellamy, but she couldn't- she couldn't face the idea that after everything they had been through they would die here.

"Don't- don't tell him anything." Clarke choked out, her eyes demanding Bellamy's attention.

The man's fist rammed into the side of her skull, and her chair fell.

She was now on her back, and she realised that her legs, unlike Bellamy's had been tied together.

She was defenceless.

"Clarke!" She heard Bellamy scream her name, but was too paralysed with fear to respond.

The man's face loomed above her.

"Let's give your boyfriend a little show, huh sweetheart?" He hissed.

Clarke had never wanted to end a man's life so much as she did this man's.

He grabbed the bound hands roughly, pulling her toward him only to throw her down savagely.

Clarke screamed, despite herself.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Bellamy was hysterical now.

Clarke couldn't see him, but she could hear the tears in his voice.

"TELL ME WHAT I NEED TO KNOW!" Their capture demanded.

"Bellamy don't." Clarke gasped, struggling to speak.

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