Bellarke modern AU

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*i never do modern AU's but here y'all go*
*video by Juli Grisel in youtube*
*Clarke is a single Mom looking for love and Bellamy is the eternal bachelor*
*cue romance*

Clarke Griffin scanned the room, the same usual crowd. Everyone here was way over thirty, pretending they were 33.

Clarke wasn't like that. She was only 28, forced to meld with the parent crowd because she too was a parent.

When she was just 16 years old, Clarke fell pregnant to a boy named Finn Collins.

She had loved him, so smart, funny, caring. He understood her in ways that no one else had.

When he had found out about the baby- about Madi, he had proposed, promised Clarke that they would be a family.

Not five months later, he was dead. A car accident had taken away from her the only man (besides her father) that had truly loved her.

Grief stricken, and missing Finn, Clarke decided to raise Madi on her own.

She had the quick wit of Finn, and his smile.

Every time Clarke looked at her daughter, 12 years old now, she was reminded of the love she lost.

Ever since then it had been impossible for her to find love.

She had dated, but no matter boy or girl they always found a way to leave her.

Clarke speculated that it was because of the 12 year old girl constantly in her company.

Committing to one woman was daunting, committing to an instant family was something else entirely.

So here she was, trying to wrangle someone with a family, someone who understood her plight.

Clarke was at the bar when a girl approached her, she was gorgeous with long blonde hair, braided neatly to her skull.

She smiled at Clarke.

"Hi I'm Niylah." She said, confidently, eyeing Clarke as she sipped her drink.

Clarke was suddenly aware of how strong this drink was.

Her hands began to tingle, just as they always did when she had too much.

"Clarke." She said, softly.

"Come here often?" Niylah asked.

Clarke had to stop herself from laughing aloud- that old line?

She was bored of the beautiful Niylah already. She needed someone she could make a life with, not someone to put her to sleep.

Clarke indulged her for a moment longer, listening to her talk about her 4 children and the woman that left her alone to raise a hoard of children.

Before she could make a hasty retreat however a strong hand wrapped around her waist.

"Hey babe." A gruff male voice whispered in her ear.

"Uh- hi." She stuttered out, not yet having seen the face of the owner of such a voice.

"Who's this?" He said, a tinge of jealously in his voice.

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